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Worst Tile Set? (Discussion)


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Which is the worst tile set in your opinion?

Which tile set you don't like or you hate playing on it?


In my opinion the worst tile set is the Grineer Asteroid Base. I don't like how that tile set looks like, there are a few rooms that are okay but there are those larger rooms that are messed up. I did like the new rooms that were added where you can ride a grineer train transport vehicle like an elevator. The large mobile defense room with 2 grineer systems is the most played room. I played soo much in that room that it become extremely boring, I just hate it when I have to play there. SInce the beginning of Warframe, I always had to play on that grineer asteroid mob def to level up weapons and warframes. It become so repetitive that it makes me feel like "is this the only grineer asteroid mob def room?" Yes...

It would have been better if there would been more "Grineer Asteroid mob def room variations" lets say that asteroid large hangar room would have been awesome if it would been used for mobile defense missions. I don't know what happened to that room, I only saw it in sabotage missions. Other tile sets are good, they are more open, more detailed, look much more better but the Asteroid base is ugly, I am sorry to say this but I think its the worst tile set. If it would be updated/changed (just like the corpus ship tile set was changed) I would change my opinion.


I try to avoid this tile set but sometimes I can't because Its the ideal place for me to level up weak weapons. (Kappa,Kiste)

I do play other missions and on other tile sets but because of this asteroid base, it makes Warframe a boring game.

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Eris and  half of saturn maps.


Best are inside maps like appolo, nuovo, miamas, and open maps like lilith europa.

Eris used to be an interesting tile set when all nodes were infected, the asteroid base was dark with red flashing lights. When the infested were removed from the Eris Nodes it become worse. I only play on one node there and that is "Cyath" because of the Corpus Outpost tile set and mob def mission.

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Gas City. worst. tileset. ever.


ED map is horrible. Spawn points have no protection against idiots, its even worse than Grineer Galleon.

MD map is even worse, spawn points are too far away. travel time of the mobs is too huge.


overall. almost each and every tileset made after U7/U8 is horrible, because maps on these tileset are made without taking into consideration the very spawn mechanics this game use.


as result - there is no reason to play these maps, because its just a waste of time.

Edited by Althix
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Corpus ships are pretty boring now. There's not a great deal of variety to the tiles.


Grineer tiles with the stupid f'ing "broken lights" are just ridiculous. If they wanted to slow down rushers, they could have just incorporated the Grineer equivalent of Corpus laser doors. At least you can see those.

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The Grineer Asteroid Base is the most boring to me.

BUT every non-procedurally generated map (Defense, mainly) is boring aswell, indipendently from the tileset, because there is where environmental variety dies and that isn't good.

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Grineer asteroid mining station tileset. The production quality of this set is noticable below that of any other, and it has the most incomplete AI nav mesh resulting in players still being able to jump on boxes in order to stop infested units from being able to come after them.

I also agree with the Defense mining station tileset. Since when I completed all nodes, I never returned to play on that tile set, I think that's the worst defense tile set. Enemies coming from all directions makes the defense very hard. That's the Worst defense map.

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If it is by are, then Corpus ships. They look bland and old.


By mechanics and optimization is Grineer Galleon.

Everybody is suggesting the Grineer Galleon ship because of the broken lights, without those the tile set wouldn't be so bad.

Corpus ships? I wonder when was the last time I played on a Corpus ship tile set. There isn't any reason to play on those ships, maybe for the boss battles but I have to agree that it gets old really fast even with its updated version. Somewhat better but uninteresting.

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Yes they do eat my fps too but I don't think that they are the worst. The Phobos tile set used to lag but they fixed it, optimised it.


Eh, yes and no - Phobos' tileset doesn't seem to agree with color correction (everything turns an obnoxious shade of Green). And given the Void predates Phobos and still eats frames, I'm not holding out hope that it's going to get much better, performance-wise.


Anyhoo, my vote has to go to Derelict. It's basically the poor man's Void with infested, it has issues with AI pathfinding in survival, and it's generally slow and tedious to navigate (and this is leaving aside the room of frictionless roots :-P). Rather than try to fix it to make it enjoyable or hassle-free, DE's apparently been content to simply put loot there so it atleast sees some use (outside of Defense, anyway).


I'm not a fan of the Gas City tileset either, but that has more to do with the irritating "haze" effect during fire hazard missions which murders visibiity to the point cameras can be nigh-invisible. Grineer Galleon also gets my vote, and not even because of the broken lights (I don't blame the tileset for that), but because of the wide open parkour/playground rooms - they utterly kill the "space submarine" vibe the developers were going for when they first introduced the tileset back when it was cramped and claustrophobic.

Edited by Taranis49
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In terms of aesthetics, I don't mind any of them at all. If I had to choose based on least favourite, it'd probably be the Asteroid Base, but that by no means that I dislike it. Some of my favourite tiles are within that set, I just wished that the large hanger found only in the sabotage missions would be used for more. Actually, apply that to all tiles. I'd love to see the Defense rooms used in normal play, just to shake things up and see them from a different prospective.


In terms of mechanics, there are large problems across the board, but Grineer Galleon with its ridiculously inane environmental hazards has me avoiding them entirely, simply because I don't want to bother with the headache. The lights aren't even that dangerous, but you're just getting punished for not looking over every inch of the room for an arbitrary shock point. Cameras, by comparison, you at least are aware when you set one off and usually have time to either deal with it or by the time you run through the door you know it's your fault. Annoying, but understandable and viable as a decent hazard.


As far as waypoints go? Pick one that isn't the Corpus Ship. Any of them. Earth and Corpus Outposts are by far the worst, but nearly any of them could offend in terms of absolutely ludicrous navigation. Just put the damn indicator exactly where the enemy is, regardless of elevation, and then give me higher or lower. Anything else is going to waste time and have me backtracking in exterminations.

Edited by Illuminatus51
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