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Worst Tile Set? (Discussion)


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asteroid base.

Its one of the most boring repetitive tile sets. I always feel sick when I have to do a mission on the grineer asteroid base. Its so old, it feels so expired, overplayed boring tile set. I wish that they would start creating more "mobile defense asteroid tile set room variations" that would keep the asteroid tile set a bit more fresh.

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I really can't stand the Gas City only because it has the absolute worst waypointing system ever. I would go running at a door across the room only to find out it's locked and the door I actually want was one I passed 3 rooms ago (WTF??). It makes me sad because I love the visual and room design of the Gas City, but the waypoints are broken beyond all hell.

Second least favorite is Corpus Ship, as many have already said. Actually I dislike both ships, because they're the "placeholder maps". Almost as placeholdy as the Ice Planet map but at least that one is pretty. I won't mind some planets having ships levels here and there, I just want most planets to have their own unique tilesets. As most of us do.

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Worst tile sets and things that they need in my opinion.

1 - grineer asteroid base - needs a big update with changes and additions.

2 - corpus ships - not interesting, it needs hangars and some other rooms.

3 - void tile set - it needs some rooms from the derelict and more additions + changes and optimizations.

4 - Earth tile set - it needs optimizations for the interception map and other fixes for the tile set.

5 - Jupiter corpus gas city - it needs little changes and a.i navigation update.

6 - grineer galleon ships - traps as new hazards??? - needs some changes not additions.

7 - derelict - it needs optimizations, bug fixes and small changes.

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I really hate the clan dojo.



Good sentence. In my opinion the clan dojo tile set is boring. It needs a big expansion/update with a lot of additions and changes.The dojo could turn into an actual Tenno guild ship if they add window that lets you see outside to space. The empty halls with decorations don't really make sense, we are warframes not gardeners trying to have a space garden/farm.

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