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Mission Concept: Infiltration


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Maybe I'm playing this game too much, but I had a dream that didnt get out of my head when I woke up for once.


Warning: Wall of text


The Mission is in Neptune, the Home of the Corpus.


The mission Starts, its Corpus mission, with you and your team droping in the outsirkts of a Residencial Area, off in the distance (not very far though), you can see that is something like a Fortress, you mission is to infiltrate and gather intel, you MUST NOT be detected at certian points (so no Sentinels cept maybe Shade), the mission is well past midnight so the houses are all dark and the only light is either a moon or just the street lights.


You get to the base of the Fortress and the entrance is in the sewer system, if you want you can destroy the metal bars, or press the action button to remove it silently, once inside you will have enough space to run (its like those ventilation tubes in the grineer maps), you will notice that there are those laser barrier dots in there, but they are not active, you will find a grill and there's a promp to remove it, your team climb up and you are inside the complex, in an empity room, you are indoors.


In this mission you are able to cling to the walls and see what is just around the corner, you can either, kill the enemies silently (Kunai/Despair/Hikou or a weapon with the Noise reduction mod), as you will be able to aim from the side of the walls like when the Corpus/Grineer duck down a railling and just put their weapons out and shoot (unlike them you will be accurate) or just slip past them, your call, remember if you are detected its mission fail at this point. If you are detected at this point, you will have to extract, Lotus will say something like: "Tenno they found you! They are locking down the mainframe, this mission is scraped, head to extraction!"(3)


You get in a room with  mainframe, and you insert a disk to gather the data in a terminal (no, its not those HUGE datamasses, its a disk, so you can use your primary and all Tenno have it), there you have 2 choices, The Easy and Safe and the Risky and Rewarding: Easy, let Lotus herself hack the data and she wont be detected, it will take 1 minute for her to hack it or, Risky, you hack the terminal yourself, it will be just like those control consoles we find in the map when we have a lockdown, but its MUCH bigger, it will last 40 seconds and you will have 15 seconds before you are detected, and you get Mission Bonus (rare5 cores, credits, etc, like Survival every 5 minutes, they will appear in the side of the screen), now there's a divergence:


If your intrusion is detected or fail the terminal, you get the data or try again to get the data, and the whole level will go into alert, you must Extract. (1)

Not detected, Lotus will inform you that there's more data to be found (3 more at most), but if we wish to, we can Extract.


Now, there's another thing, if you were undetected and wish to extract you can "Go Loud" and be detected (1), you got the data(s), and they dont know  WHAT  you got, but they will know you got SOMETHING, or you can get out silently(2). 


More divergence:


(1)  The Corpus got smart, and installed those laser doors in the sewers, and they are always active, so you cant get out from there, the only option is: climb to a watchtower and jump off, a lot of enemies will spawn and they will Lock down the door that leads outside,to stop you from fleeing with the data, Lotus will hack the door, but it will take time, so you will have to survive near it, it will be like protecting the Cryopod in Defence (just without the pod), enemies will come from 4 directions: the hallway you came from or from the catwalks in front and above of you or the sides, there will be cover, so dont worry.

She opens the door and you are outdoors but still in the complex, now its a mad dash to the Watchtower..... or is it? You may be intercepted by a Jackal and have to fight it, after all, when you were in Fossa, Lotus said: "Nicknamed The Jackal, this robot has become extremely problematic for our cells in the field" and we destroyed the Prototype in Venus, unlike that Jackal, this one scales with your weapons/conclave, this type of Jackal is more complete than the one we fought before so he will drop different Mods exclusive to him. When you get to the Watchtower, you jump off, but you are not out of the woods yet, they are firing at you from the Fortress and you have to run, they will stop firing at one point since you got out of range, then its just to get to the extraction point. Mission Complete.


(2) This is more simple, head to another sewer/ventilation, get out of the Fortress and extract, if you are seen: (1) is aplicated.


(3) You werent sneaky enough Tenno, you only have to head to extraction, like (1), the laser doors in the sewers will activade and you will have to head to the watchtower, you will, however find the main door open since they figured out you havent had the time to get anything, and they will want you in the open to kill you, and the new Jackal will not spawn, since the door to outside wasnt locked they wont have the time to activade it, head to the watchtower and jump off to extraction.



Rewards are aplicated like this:


Mission Full Stealth (was never detected): Credits x (2 + number Tenno in the mission), 2 Mission Exclusive Mods, XP based on the number of terminal hacked: Enemy level x 150 per terminal (50% will go to the Warframe and the rest will be distrubuted evenly between the weapons, wich is 16.7% of the total XP gotten), so if you hack 3 Terminals you get: Enemy level x 450 in the end of the mission.


Mission Detected (but was able to get at least 1 data disk): Credits, 1 Mission Exclusive Mod and a Mod that Jackal might have droped. (You dont get the XP from the Full Stealth Mission since you decided to "Go Loud" or were detected in between the other terminals)


Mission Scraped (detected before getting any data disk): Credits/4, and the XP of the mission for enemies you killed and the bonus of the end mission XP is again, divided by 4.


PS: the mission Credits might be calculated by: Enemy level x 150, so if you are in a Map with enemies level 10-15 you get 2250 credits at most, if Full Stealth those 2250 will be multiplied by (2 + number Tenno in the mission).


....... man, I wrote A LOT, what do you guys think, we will need a good Stealth 6.0 for this (maybe), but this is the concept I imagined/dreamed.


Edit: getting XP in a Stealth mission where you may not kill a lot or any of the enemies if you go Full Stealth can be counter-productive so I added XP for the "Full Stealth" Mission, and added a few explanations in the Rewards.


Edit2: Ok the part where you are detected and its mission fail can be too harsh, so I will add a "Mission Scraped" to the parts.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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You must find a suitable wildlife than kill it, rip it open, enter it's guts and wear it's hide and than crawl on all fours pretending to be an animal so you can pass the security and the guards undetected.

Edited by CatScratch
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You must find a suitable wildlife than kill it, rip it open, enter it's guts and wear it's hide and than crawl on all fours pretending to be an animal so you can pass the security and the guards undetected.

I have a better idea then this one, instead of ripping open an animal we can use THIS:




They will never see us comming ;)

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Wrong section, go to Fan Concepts.

oh.... ops?

...... if I only knew how to do that..... I think only the moderators can do that tbh, I see the "Topic Moderation" button, but it only has "delete" in it.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Sry 4 derailing the topic with dumb S#&$z...

It's a good idea I would love if they add a mission that requires stealth approach and has multiple paths to achieving the goal. The problem lies in fact that such types of missions would be almost impossible to pull of with pugs. I can only see this working with clan using voice chat.

Would it be fun? Yes.

Could something like this find it's place in warframe? Yes.

Anytime soon? Don't think so.

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I really like the idea. I think having a mission where stealth is actually important pretty much requires you to have different endings depending on whether you manage to stay undetected and better rewards for it  - otherwise it will always be better to just rush through and ogris/4 spam everything into oblivion.

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Sry 4 derailing the topic with dumb S#&$z...

It's a good idea I would love if they add a mission that requires stealth approach and has multiple paths to achieving the goal. The problem lies in fact that such types of missions would be almost impossible to pull of with pugs. I can only see this working with clan using voice chat.

Would it be fun? Yes.

Could something like this find it's place in warframe? Yes.

Anytime soon? Don't think so.

unfortunetly..... i have to agree with you in this _ _U, but if we had a "STEALTH" Option within the ONLINE bar, we could have a group of like minded individuals playing the same mission, it would help wouldnt it? It wouldnt be perfect, the best teamwork would be with friends, but it would help.


A better Voip in-game would help too..... in fact, I have never seen it used, this kind of mission would have to make it necessary to coordinate. In the missions we have, its go from A to B, kill all those enemies, protect this..... there's no need for strategy, I can pass most mission withou writing a thing to my team, we talk with frequency in Interceptions, and most never go beyond "I got A/B/C/D"....

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this sounds fully sick bro, +1


would be straight banging to go all stealth up inside with them dope skills till the early morn 


might sound cray cray for some janky dudes but i think its totz ridic and totz amaze - would play this inside out on the down low anytime 

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We should really have this kind of mechanics in the game. It adds a smarter gameplay, is solo player-friendly & is in the continuity of coop play.


DE should read this.


We will probably have something like this when Stealth (6.0?) is implemented, but as it is, this is just an idea, and I too hope DE follows it.

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