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Proposed Game Modes


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I love war frame, I really do! I think of ways that could improve the game and ways that could bring in more players. I had an idea, crucify me about it if you'd like, I don't mind. Also, I'm unsure of a suggestions board, so I just kinda thought to post it in general (sorry).

The idea was as follows:

It's 4 on 4, possibly 5 on 5. You have predetermined warframes, with predetermined load outs and limited energy/limited uses on some powers for balances sake. You have objectives, such as, lets say, death match for example. You kill the enemy until you meet a certain kill count. Simple, right? Of course you could include capture the flag, hold the point (aka Domination, dominion, or Intrusion in this game), king of the hill and so much more.

With warframes play style, I think this would be extremely fun (provided it had the correct matchmaking ofc)! The reward could be credits for that set of game type, which you could use to get that mode specific fusion cores to increase some base stats (very minimally for the sake of not being overpowering. Ex: 5% extra movement speed, slightly more slide, slight resistance to certain weapons/knockdowns. Not overbearing increases, such as +200% shields, etc.), rare mods for vanilla warframe provided you reach a milestone/objective, and so much more!

I don't know the limitations of warframe or if this has already been suggested before, but thoughts?


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I believe what you're suggesting is structured PvP much like what Guild Wars 2 had. If your suggestion were to be done, that'd require a TREMENDOUS amount of balancing and many people would not be pleased with that, fellow Tenno, because that'd mean there would be nerfs and nerfs are pretty much frowned upon. Also, lore-wise it wouldn't make much sense for Tennos to be fighting one another. I mean I never played Conclave before but the training rooms in Dojos are just that, training. I'm MR 9 right now and ya, never really PvP-ed except a for-fun session with clan mates.

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Maybe you could refer to it as training for the sake of lore (which I hear isn't very well done :c hope that gets fixed, I love the world). I understand the work and time that would have to go into this for it to be enjoyable and maybe it isn't exactly the best thing now (or ever for that matter! It's just a suggestion after all), but I personally think it'd be a cool concept. I enjoy the pve of this game, occasional pvp in the dojo with buds, and the customization of weapons/frames (which this mode would potentially undermine), but I think it'd just reach towards a broader audience.

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Right, I would like to see larger scale PVP. Lore-friendly wise, it wasn't rare for clans to do competition in fighting to see who is the best within the clan and between clans. Sure it wouldn't be "kills" more like beaten/disable.

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intrusion mode could be a simple toggle on the mission launcher for 'defenders'  and a special map node (like void/derelict) for attackers which would not make it a game mode but rather an option for all game modes, both for attackers and defenders.... C9 has this and its RLY AWESOME... as for balance etc... its OPTIONAL so if you dont wana pvp during your capture mission dont enable intrusion . this should be given SERIOUS CONSIDERATION... 

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