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Need Help Modding Two Weapons.



I'm a recent returning player, and Damage 2.0 is pretty new to me. How should I mod the Akstilettos and the Dual Ichor. Planning to mod the Akstilettos for pure damage and Dual Ichor for crits. Any tips on the mods I should put on?

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It's basically however you wanna tickle em'; Take away armor, additional dps, knockdown with Blast... It's all available (however I don't recommend Radiation on Melee).


Oh, and DO NOT use Piercing anymore, those mods are out the window as they do not increase your crit/ele damage, just the stat after base is accounted for.

Edited by un1337ninj4
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Are you planning on putting catalysts and forma onto these weapons to maximize them, just a catalyst and no forma? I don't know how to mod the dual ichor correctly, but the akstilletos are easy. There are always the basics for pistols which would be:


-Hornet strike

-Barrel diffusion

-Lethal torrent

-Seeker (this one is optional but I like the potential damage and I hate shield lancers)

-Element 1

-Element 2

-Element 3 (you can also put stunning speed here for reload, but the akstileltos have a 1.1 reload speed so it isn't needed)

-Element 4/ Pistol ammo mutation


If you have the circeo/tethra's mods I would recommend putting those on since the 15% base proc chance for akstilletos will reach 50% or higher and you will proc like crazy.

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