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How Invasion Can Be Fixed


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As we all know that the invasion missions are faulty.


Ex. Having 4/5 on a orokin catalyst.reactor and then poof its done (happened to me twice on the same day)


And yesterday when i barely managed to finish the reactor with it having 99% done after my 5th.


A system like this is faulty because too many people do the missions and they disappear in a matter of seconds or no one does it and it stays on the node for maybe a day or 2.


So I've come up of an idea to change that and maybe make the Invasions more dynamic in terms of  how and where they will appear.


First I think the Invasion nodes should have a 6-24Hr long timer(depending on the rewards) and the winning faction is based on the percentages at the end of the timer (Ex: Corpus has 51% while Grinner have 49% so when the timer is up and the percents stay the same The Corpus win and take over the node, the same can be applied like this Corpus has 100% and Grinner have 0% when the timers up corpus win.)


Second: How will they appear?

Simple:Special alerts from the Lotus.


She sends us a message saying that a fleet of Grinner from say Ceres are mounting an invasion on Neptune and will reach Neptune in maybe 1hr. We as the Tenno have a choice of stopping them before they reach Neptune. If we stop them its obvious we get rewards but if we don't than the Fleet will reach Neptune and a fight will break out.


Stopping the fleet is like doing infested invasions need 3 wins, exception of the bars starting at 100% for the Grinner and we the tenno have to bring it down.


I also have a way to fix the infested invasions too and its pretty much the same solution.

Lotus alerts us of an Orokin derelict ship/infested ship making heading towards Venus or some other planet within a certain time  frame.

This will provide a way to not have to us the derelict keys all the time and prevent nodes from being infested.


That's all i have for my idea even though I'm probably leaving some important points out.

But do you guys think this maybe a good idea? or how it can be improved


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