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★★★ Mostly Under 5P (Mods&prime) ★★★

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Leave a reply here or PM "Minnies" or "Damor" in-game. Thank you!!! :)


Speed Holster (x1) - 3p
Steel Charge (x1) - 8p


Constitution (x1) - 3p
Continuity (x1) - 3p
Flow (x11) - 2p
Fortitude (x2) - 3p
Intensify (x2) - 3p
Streamline (x4) - 3p
Stretch (x5) - 3p
Vigor (x2) - 3p


Arrow Mutation (x2) - 3p
Rifle Ammo Mutation (x4) - 3p
Shotgun Ammo Mutation (x5) - 3p
Sniper Ammo Mutation (x4) - 3p

Primary Weapon:

Accelerated Blast (x1) - 3p
Blaze (x2) - 15p
Charged Chamber (x1) - 3p
Fortitude (x2) - 3p
Metal Auger (x1) - 3p
Heavy Caliber (x1) - 12p
Hell's Chamber (x5) - 8p
Split Chamber (x2) - 8p
Tainted Mag (x1) - 3p
Thunderbolt (x6) - 2p
Wildfire (x4) - 3p

Secondary Weapon:

Barrel Diffusion (x5) - 8p
Ice Storm (x1) - 3p
Lethal Torrent (x4) - 3p
Stunning Speed (x1) - 3p


Focus Energy (x2) - 3p
Sundering Strike (x7) - 3p


Fired Up (x1) - 8p


Boar prime receiver (x1) - 5p
Braton prime BP (x2) - 5p
Braton prime barrel (x1) - 5p
Bronco Prime BP (x1) - 3p
Bronco Prime Barrel (x2) - 3p
Bronco Prime Receiver (x1) - 3p
Burston Prime receiver (x1) - 3p
Burston Prime stock (x1) - 3p
Dakra Prime BP (x1) - 3p
Dakra Prime Blade (x1) - 3p
Dakra Prime Handle (x1) - 3p
Ember Prime BP (x1) - 3p
Ember Prime chasis (x2) - 3p
Ember Prime Helmet (x1) - 6p
Frost Prime Helmet (x4) - 5p
Glaive Prime BP (x1) - 5p (Reserved: Schwood)
Glaive Prime Blade (x2) - 5p (1x Reserved: Schwood)
Latron prime BP (x3) - 3p
Latron prime barrel (x4) - 3p
Latron prime receiver (x11) - 1p
Latron prime stock (x2) - 3p
Mag Prime BP (x4) - 3p
Orthos Prime BP (x14) - 2p
Sicarus Prime BP (x3) - 3p

Leave a reply here or PM "Minnies" or "Damor" in-game. Thank you!!! :)

Edited by Minnies
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