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My "big" Feedback. [Ps4]


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So, I played Warframe for some time already(200+ hours), and this is my feedback about some topics.
First of all, I like this game. It's fun, to feel yourself as badass space-ninja slashing through enemies. I like work of artists, XP system, and all this mods system(even if lots of them are useless). But...
End game. I see it's coming. When I tried all warframes, and some of weapons there will be nothing to hold me in it. It's a problem, and you working on it, what is good. But I'm not a person who really interested in "one new ability that will be for your Tenno, instead of warframes", or PVP, actually I love this game because it's solo/coop thing. And I want new interesting stuff in that part of a game. New enemies(yeah, they're coming, I know), new frames, new territories(as Fobos and Earth). And new coop options. And it's better to add stuff periodically, at least in a form of alerts. For example, why not to add "new" game mode - survival with "bosses" - 4 waves/minutes with standart enemies, then extra wave with boss - cycle this. Or mode, where one of your teammates will have no shields, no weapons, only 5 health and you mast escort him to some PC(or door in Orokin Ruins). It's a beta, you can try stuff as much as you want, make a special "testing new modes" zone for Celestia's sake and ingame option to rank missions in this zone, for example. It's so hard? I don't think so, because you, DE, certainly have awesome people behind this game.
Microtransactions. OK, you can buy warframes, weapons, skins and colors to make your killing machines looks pretty. You cand buy SP, credit, and other boosters. You can buy resources. I'm totally OK with all of this! It's legit - farm for hours, ok buy and use it right now. Visual stuff is for money as some kind of "say thanks to developers by sending them little ammount of cash and get a new colors in exchange". It's totally fine, and it's maine reason for me to donate. Boosters is... Fine, but for me they're kinda unfait if you cant get them ingame, and if they autostarts after you get them. It is OK.
What pissed me off, is "pay to don't wait stuff that you already have". I'm talking about Dojo and foundry. I know it's a standart american thing, but in my opinion it's unfair. All this "wait 12-72 hours(!!!)" before you get your stuff, is awful. We farms for ages to get loot and BP, or to get money for them, and after all this we see this standart tablet situattion - "OK, man, you have BP, you have all stuff you need to build that sword you wanted for so long, but you know what? Why not to sit down and stare at it for 12 hours before take it and get back to slicing enemies. You want it now? Then pay me and go" or even bigger nonsence - "Hey, relax and wait for 2 hours before this room deconstructs. Just for lulz". Really, in this moment's I feels like I'm playing some crappy tablet game. In my opinion this clock-related stuff must be removed, or redused to seconds/minutes without an option to pay plat to get stuff faster, or redused to minutes/2-4hours with option to pay credits, to get it fuster. Warframe isn't even a huge-complex MMO with live market in it, to have these clocks on crafting system. This is my opinion.


That's all I wanted to tell for now, I'll add something later.
Thanks for your attention.
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