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Lotus Doesnt Reward Pro Player


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i am sure other got the same problem 

reaching the 55" of T3 survival and getting 2500 credit

or reaching wave 60 in defense part 3 and getting redirection as reward



you already made rare mods available by killing high level ennemies

(firestrom for example )


please make reward worth the pain 

i mean sometimes i need 200 soma bullets to kill one foe and  i get a core rare5 mod as reward?


thanks DE for considering a solution



edit :

pro doesnt specifically refer to me

i am aiming all pro player sweating to reach 55" or wave 70

Edited by belaid12002
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I know what you're getting at, but using terms like "pro player" makes you sound pretentious.


If it sounds pretentious, it is pretentious.


But i still agree. At the very least, credit rewards need to be  boosted in higher waves if DE plans to keep them in.

Instead of a measly 2500 credits, maybe a 10k credit reward. It should scale with time and effort.


That and bloody remove crafting materials from Void reward tables. It's absolutely infuriating to see goddamn Morphics at over 20 minutes in a Void Survival mission.

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I know what you're getting at, but using terms like "pro player" makes you sound pretentious.

top kek.


You're playing a casual game. Enjoy it. I cannot @(*()$ stand it when serious mode try hards make the "I'm a pro player" statement in a casual f2p game.


If you're wanting to display your Epeen skills then go play a game that requires it and a high level of Min/Maxing like WoW ot Tera.

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