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Revamp Sgt. Nef Anyo & Have An Event That Includes Him


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To be honest, fighting Anyo just like killing other crewmen, I hope DE could give him a massive rework, & more challenging than any other Corpus, also have some an event that telling about Anyo's plan to take over some cryopods, systems or something.

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I'd love an event where you're sneaking around in a blizzard while he is hunting you on some kind of personal air-craft, trying to shoot you down with his sniper as you race from cover to cover.

I would love to be hunted down like a beast by Nef Anyo <3

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I've said it probably 4 or 5 times now, but the Corpus need some mechs.

If they revamp Nef Anyo, he better get a mech.

Mechs are neat.


corpus needs mechs, replacing the big guys with the supras, for starters.


to the OP - We are still waiting for Vay Hek, you are like 5 month before schedule.


and i would prefer khela to be revamped first, or phorid.


corpus are boring.



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Last time I faced him, he had Leader AI abilities, particularly the disruption one. Still didn't make him anything close to a challenge.



I'd love to have a real sniper battle with him. The thoughts coming to my head... Think MGS3's The End, but in a blizzard.

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all bosses will have their reworks it just takes time



I'd want him to just keep teleporting to range, make him a real sniper battle...

this ^^^^^

but srsly

the next "boss" update we need should be infested or corrupted

the infested REALLY need work and the corrupted are far too simple atm

but currently DE is focused on the grineer/corpus factions, for better or worse...

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I'd love an event where you're sneaking around in a blizzard while he is hunting you on some kind of personal air-craft, trying to shoot you down with his sniper as you race from cover to cover.


I've actually had an idea like this, I just was too lazy to type it out and not have DE see it. ('cause I can never get their attention, for some reason.)


Anyway... My idea pretty much is: 


Have the boss fight be a multi-stage fight. It would start with Nef Anyo being on top of a mobile aerial platform that randomly flies around the map as he snipes you with his rifle. When you get take about 1/4th of his entire health, he throws a flash grenade that blinds everyone and then goes invisible. During this state, he'd melee the Tenno while invisible, with the only indication of his position being either the glow of his visor or a floating Prova. Once he gets damaged enough, he goes back to his platform and releases two powerful Osprey's. One to buff his shields and that slowly drains the Tenno's shields as well (Like if a Shield Osprey and a Leech Osprey had a baby and that baby was on steroids) and one that provides cover fire with powerful laser rifle and plasma grenades. 


Defeat those and get his health down again, then the next stage starts. He comes down again and goes invisible like the last time, but this time he has a (weaker) Zanuka or Hyena-type enemy with him. This one could lay down explosive mines to trip the Tenno and make them vulnerable to him, as well as melee them with claws.


Final stage involves all four of them at once.



....too much?



Well anyway, there's that. 

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