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Maybe The Stalker Is The First


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   I dunno I may have missed out on some of the Lore for stalker, maybe this is just obvious, but is Stalker the first warframe? the first excalibur. His body and abilities are pretty much the same as the Excalibur, and I'm pretty sure the lore says that the Tenno did something bad to the Orokin and the Stalker wanted revenge. It would explain his passion for the Orokin because he would be the first one, showing immense gratitude and loyalty to the Orokin, because they made him. I think that he was the First Excalibur, and after seeing what the Teno had done to the Orokin he probably wanted to break his ties to the Tenno, bye changing his helmet. I dunno just something that occurred to me when I was lookin around in the Codex.

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