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Can De Please Fix Akbronco Primes?


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It makes no sense. It literally uses TWO Bronco Primes. YOU LITERALLY HOLD 2 OF THEM.

1) You deal less damage holding 2 than 1
2) You somehow have less than double the magazine.
3) You somehow have two weapons that have 17.5% Status chance and now have 30% status chance overall.

extra) You somehow need a "LINK" to hold two weapons in separate hands holstered on opposite sides.
edit) if what BrotherJudas008 says about the link being not a physical linking of the two, but limiting the same mod customization for dualies, props to DE.

Edited by eddure
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Well they suck either way.

You're better off using the sicarus

I've 5forma'd my sicarus prime and its amazing. But I would actually love to invest formas into this if its status chance was what it should be. Since people undertake how good status effects are if they are consistant and high.

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extra) You somehow need a "LINK" to hold two weapons in separate hands holstered on opposite sides.


I think the "Link" item is meant to be something which "links" (via intangible space-ninja magic) the Mods from one gun to the other if I remember the fluff I read somewhere else correctly.  Because as you say it is two separate guns, in which case you should be able to mod them differently.  

The "Link" is something to stop that (due to overpoweredness), and get around the fact you cannot mod both separately, quite a nice idea actually.


I imagine it is why you use Orokin Cells for the Ak- weapons, the Tenno making a Link like the Orokin used to do in the past. Though with the Akbronco being an Orokin weapon, the link already existed which is why there is a part to make the guns work alraedy.

Edited by BrotherJudas008
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That weapon has no real reason to exist in my opinion. With the Bronco and its dual version the Bronco Prime was the lest weapon we needed as a prime version.


Adding a dual Prime version for wich you have to farm the Bronco's twice and on top of that you don't just need the dual bp but also a link is kinda a kick in the nuts. I feel with anyone who ever put a potatoe and/or forma on any Bronco weapon like me :(


DE should note not to release 4 different versions of the same weapon. It made me paranoid to invest potatoes and forma in a lot of weapons. I hope they are not releasing a dual sicarus that is better than the sicarus prime and then a dual sicarus prime a month later... no one is asking for that I hope.

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right now AkBronco Primes seem to be focused on procing status chances, with no other real strengths. I like mine, I even forma'd them, but honestly, they should be AT LEAST an alternative to the Brakk in terms of damage. Brakk doesn't require near as much stuff, or time to craft. Ak Bronco Prime felt like I was making an investment when building it, only to find it never had the potential to compete with the mainstream etc. I felt like it was just for show.

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It makes no sense. It literally uses TWO Bronco Primes. YOU LITERALLY HOLD 2 OF THEM.


1) You deal less damage holding 2 than 1

2) You somehow have less than double the magazine.


3) You somehow have two weapons that have 17.5% Status chance and now have 30% status chance overall.

extra) You somehow need a "LINK" to hold two weapons in separate hands holstered on opposite sides.

edit) if what BrotherJudas008 says about the link being not a physical linking of the two, but limiting the same mod customization for dualies, props to DE.


they balanced all that with 2v polarities... seems legit -.-"

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I just thought about something. If DE is starting to balance single weapons and their dual counterpart setups then there is a contradiction. Or an oversight on DE's side.


The fact that DE wants to make the single setup appealing to players is doomed to fail simple because of the reason that we are forced to consume the single weapon in order to build the dual one. So as long as players don't decide to build a single weapon 3 times and buy two slots just to have two weapons that have the same function but play a little differently this is a wasted effort. Only a small minority will decide to do something unpractical like that.


Since the mastery level system will eventually make us turn our single weapons into the dual counterparts to gain mastery experience the single weapons will case to exist sooner or later. This decreases weapon variety in the inventory of the player, DE is wasting time and money to balance single and dual versions and creates some negative emotions in the player that is forced to say goodbye to the single version that may have consumed a Catalyst and multiple Forma.


If DE is serious with balancing single and dual setups of a weapon they should rather focus on making it appealing to us to chose between those two on the fly.


For example as soon as we build the dual version we should be able to decide whether we want the single or dual version whenever we equip that weapon in our arsenal. It would be a simple UI extension in the weapon selection screen that would ask us to equip the single or dual version of the weapon.

By combining two weapons we would simple create an option to chose instead destroying the single version and limiting us to the dual version which is suppose to be balanced anyways.


I mean why not? We build a weapon twice, most likely leveled the single version to 30 anyways and in some cases even equiped a Catalyst. Why has all that go to waste?


Right now it seems unlogical to me. DE is doing the right thing increasing weapon variety by balancing single and dual versions of a weapon but they do not give us an appealing option to chose between those two.

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I can see the reduced damage, but they should compensate with increased fire rate and ammo capacity--a BIG increase in magazine capacity. That's the primary downside of the Bronco Prime.


Also, reload should be improved. Then we'd have an AKbronco Prime worth the considerable cost in materials and time.

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It most likely comes down to the fact that DE doesn't want Akbronco prime to be better than Brakk. If all the problems you listed OP were fixed, I would most likely choose Akbronco prime over Brakk then.


Or they didn't want it to be too overpowered. I forgot to mention this.

Edited by FableTale
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