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[Lore] Some Question About The Tenno


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as lotus said , "The grineers and corpus are ruining this solar system , we need to protect the solar system"

so what will happend after grineer and corpus are all extincted , tenno will be back to cyro-sleep ? or tenno are going to rule the system ?

why does tenno need to invade orokin's home ? , is there a reason ?

is lotus an evil ? , is tenno bad ?

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well i have even deeper doubts... are there civilian grineer? why do they fight? what if they win? will they just start living peacefully? what about the corpus? will they all take off those boxes from their heads and go to the beach or something? maybe a BBQ? i wonder what they fight for.

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yea off course... but what do they want to buy with that profit? luxury cars? Big houses? maybe get into forex? : P


The irremediable lust for power that is built into humanity's psyche, of course. Money is just a conduit for power. The Grineer and Infested look for the simple power in extermination and assimilation, the Corpus look for the more convoluted power in knowledge and production.

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Lotus isnt evil, lotus is america

Not really sure how that works, but if we want to use that kind of logic. Then, Corpus has to be America, Grineer Russia and the Infested quite possibly China. Lotus is possibly the illuminati


Corpus/America= Mega industrialised corporatecentric society, waging war for profit. One day you are fighting them the next you're fighting for them.


Grineer/Russia= Mega Industrialised nationalistic civilisation, interested in dominating the Solar System at all costs. No sense of individualism.


Infested/China= Small select group of indivuals (Ancients) that rule through assimilation and domination. Infiltrating other societies and assimilating them in to their way of life. Idealistic leadership with no sense of individualism.


Yes they are rather stereotypical views, based on posters logic.

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Not really sure how that works, but if we want to use that kind of logic. Then, Corpus has to be America, Grineer Russia and the Infested quite possibly China. Lotus is possibly the illuminati


Corpus/America= Mega industrialised corporatecentric society, waging war for profit. One day you are fighting them the next you're fighting for them.


Grineer/Russia= Mega Industrialised nationalistic civilisation, interested in dominating the Solar System at all costs. No sense of individualism.


Infested/China= Small select group of indivuals (Ancients) that rule through assimilation and domination. Infiltrating other societies and assimilating them in to their way of life. Idealistic leadership with no sense of individualism.


Yes they are rather stereotypical views, based on posters logi

i only say lotus is america because lotus yhas a tendency to impose her own value on wars that in a lot of ways have nothing to do with us. The grineer wanted to take over their OWN homeworld. She couldn't have that. Grineer wants to fix their own genetic code. we said "nuh-uh". All in the name of nothing. From what we can physically observe, The grineer and corpus are simply killing each other. if other life exists, we sure as hell arent seeing it.

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Not really sure how that works, but if we want to use that kind of logic. Then, Corpus has to be America, Grineer Russia and the Infested quite possibly China. Lotus is possibly the illuminati


Corpus/America= Mega industrialised corporatecentric society, waging war for profit. One day you are fighting them the next you're fighting for them.


Grineer/Russia= Mega Industrialised nationalistic civilisation, interested in dominating the Solar System at all costs. No sense of individualism.


Infested/China= Small select group of indivuals (Ancients) that rule through assimilation and domination. Infiltrating other societies and assimilating them in to their way of life. Idealistic leadership with no sense of individualism.


Yes they are rather stereotypical views, based on posters logic.


Yeah, very stereotypical. Don't think Warframe's factions are comparable to any of the above countries.

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DE mentioned a while back that we would be seeing some kind of neutral NPC on the shipyard tile set. However that was a long time ago. 


Also the Gradiviius dilema made out that the Grineer would be conqueoring the "Colonies" of Mars. 


However we do not have any other sign of other groups except Corpus, Grineer and infested. 


My guess, we will get alot more once the "Proxy war" is implemented... However I dont expect this any-time soon. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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as lotus said , "The grineers and corpus are ruining this solar system , we need to protect the solar system"

so what will happend after grineer and corpus are all extincted , tenno will be back to cyro-sleep ? or tenno are going to rule the system ?

why does tenno need to invade orokin's home ? , is there a reason ?

is lotus an evil ? , is tenno bad ?


The Tenno are Trying to make sure that neither the Corpus nor the Grineer dominate. We will not hunt them to extinction.


Also remember that there _are_ independent colonies of humanity who need protecting from both the Corpus and the Grineer.


According to the Stalker codex entry the Tenno slaughtered the Orokin. We have no explicit information on why but given the Orokin are responsible for the Infestation (Lotus dialogue for Lephantis) and experimenting on children (Ember Codex) to create the powers used by the Tenno It's likely the Tenno had a good reason before they fell to Lethe.


Also we have "word of god" from the devs that the Tenno _are_ the "good guys" so given we're doing what the Lotus tells us right now, the Lotus must be doing the right thing.

Edited by SilentMobius
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so what will happend after grineer and corpus are all extincted , tenno will be back to cyro-sleep ? or tenno are going to rule the system ?

why does tenno need to invade orokin's home ? , is there a reason ?

is lotus an evil ? , is tenno bad ?


If we are to accept the idea of tenno fighting for balance, then "extermination" might not really be what they are aiming for. The idea of balance implies that there are two opposing forces that kind of cancel each other. Neither side is in a position to completely overcome and defeat the other. So, exterminating one side or both sides would not bring balance, it would bring destruction.


I've posted my opinion on Lotus somewhere else, but I'll post it again here. To me, Lotus is actually an organization. But I'm not suggesting that the Lotus we see and hear during missions is not an AI. What I'm suggesting is that if she is in fact an AI, then she was probably created by someone. Whoever created her probably has an agenda and that agenda probably involves the tenno in some way. So, the AI we interact with exists simply to keep the true identity of Lotus a secret. Using this context, I guess I would call Lotus "potentially evil".


However, I don't think the tenno are evil. Mostly because they don't seem to have memories of who/what they really are. They seem to accept Lotus because she apparently means well. That indicates to me that the tenno are actually good. But who knows what the Lotus is really trying to accomplish? It may be that she's just using all that "balance" talk to manipulate the tenno into doing what she wants.

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Also we have "word of god" from the devs that the Tenno _are_ the "good guys" so given we're doing what the Lotus tells us right now, the Lotus must be doing the right thing.

Just because they are the good guys, doesn't mean what Lotus is making them do is the right thing.

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I don't really think we can really ascribe good and evil to anyone in this game.

Every faction in RL prays to 'god' quite possibly the same god to give them the divine right to do as they do. The Tenno, Corpus and Grineer and most likely infested do exactly the same thing. Each faction believes that what they are doing is either by divine right or it has been sanctioned by those higher in status to themselves. Lotus for examle, she guides and directs Tenno to exterminate, destroy, steal, infiltrate, spy and cause general mayhem. Yet no one questions it, that is because she is "our" divine right. Each faction looks at themselves as good and everyone else as bad. Yet Lotus looks at herself as good and us as her 'instrument'.

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