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Would Loki Need A Reactor?



16 answers to this question

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All Frames love Reactors. It is a matter of which one you like best, or feel you are currently having the most difficulty with, and feel could use the potato. Technically Nekros doesn't have a polarity for his Aura by default, so fully modded he will have fewer mod points available, though this hasn't been a problem for me yet.


Also, here is a trick that sometimes works for me. Flip a coin, having assigned one of them to each side. I tend to find that, after seeing what I would be suggested to do by chance, shows me what I really want. Doesn't always work, but hey, worth a shot.

Edited by Evex_Wolfwing
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Well, thanks for the advice but that doesn't help as I only have one reactor, the reason for the question of who would benefit more from it

Which do you pre fare playing there are builds for both that will work without a reactor.


Which ever one you like more and then when you get a second reactor but that in the other one.

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Which ever one you enjoy more. Personally I would say Loki though I don't have one on mines atm (due to shortage of reactors). He's more valuable since his invisibility gets through most if not all missions. Can't hit what you can't see, Lol


Then also since he can go invis, you can sacrifice redirection and vitality and other mods common mods ppl generally put on most frames that would take up capacity. Since he doesn't need red and vit so much if he's invisible. Give him duration and you're good.


Reactor will just make him stronger, like actually being able to now add red and/or vit and other mods. Max duration and efficiency. 

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Nekros IMO.


His skills need a lot of quality of life help. He's a spammer so he needs energy efficiency or he just doesn't work. He begs for natural talent so you don't go insane from stopping and staring at cast animations for half the match. He's squishy but his survive/CC is rather extreme (fears the enemies) so you won't use it all the time. He's pulling lots of extra globes so you'll want to increase your max HP /  Power to pick all those up, not to mention equilibrium.


Loki can make due and just be smarter about when to cast invisibility instead of running perma invisible, but I don't think I could play Nekros on half points.

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Since people are constantly barking the whole Loki "master race" bullS#&$, why would he need a reactor if he's that awesome?

He can make due without one but Nekros needs a potato to properly function. So my vote's on Nekros. All day, erry day.

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Since people are constantly barking the whole Loki "master race" bullS#&$, why would he need a reactor if he's that awesome?

He can make due without one but Nekros needs a potato to properly function. So my vote's on Nekros. All day, erry day.

Can't ya let some people have some fun...... #lokimasterraceswegyoloinserthipthingkidzsayherehomie

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