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3 Things I Think Could Be Improved In Ui


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1. when selecting a level, if somebody leaves the group you are pulled right back out to a full view of the solar system, even if you are the leader and chose the level yourself. this is annoying, especially if you have no idea who they were and it just caused you to waste time.


2. when building a weapon if i try to level a mod and i can't because it would go over the allowed limit on some weapons, i would like the ability to unequip the mod on all weapons where it can't be upgraded. currently i have to go to each weapon individually and unequip it on each of them in turn. having between 22 and 37 weapons in each category, this can sometimes be quite a time consuming process, but even having to equip one other weapon to uninstall a mod in order to upgrade it is annoying.


3. a similar issue, if i want to level up a mod in the weapon screen just after i have equipped it i have to accept the configuration first which pulls me out of the weapon screen and then go back into the weapon screen to select 'mods' and upgrade it. not as big an issue for me as 2 was, but i personally find it annoying that hitting 'accept' pulls you out of the weapon mod screen at all.




just 3 things that i come across regularly that could be changed to improve the warframe experience, there are probably more issues but these ones have just been niggling at me lately. overall it's a great game though.

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I agree with 2 and 3 completely.


However I would like to expand on 1 even further - being able to kick people from the group while still in the lobby would be nice (although I realize that this could be abused so I will not hope for this too much). It would also be nice to be able to use keys without ungrouping the party, and keeping the party after leaving the void or whatever so we can use another key.


Really the entire mission select system should be redone IMO.

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1. I totally agree. This could be handled smoothly by splitting turning the squad members that didn't quit into new hosts, or simply migrating host when someone quits. WF needs to ditch all the 'ok' buttons in exchange for soft notice popups - concise info dumps that don't interrupt the flow of using the UI.


While I don't agree with handing the option to kick a player to the group, (way too ripe for abuse) I do think Loadout has a better pre-mission countdown. In Loadout, if you aren't ready and in the squad menu when there's 10 seconds left to start, it gives you a Y/N popup and asks if you're ready. (this doesn't interrupt you using the UI) If you click yes, it sets you to ready and takes you to the squad screen. If you click no, it removes you from the squad.


2. This should be in. No questions.


3. Yep. Again, Loadout has a good UI to be inspired by in this; it has a "save" button for your current configuration.



Really the entire mission select system should be redone IMO.

I wouldn't argue with a redo, but I bet DE would have a fit over lost time.

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