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Not Using Health Of Shield Mods On Warframes?



Does anyone not use redirection or vitality in their warframe builds?


I'm asking cause I wanna work on optimizing vaubans powers, and the only way to do that for me is to get rid of redirection, which leaves his shields at a measly 225 though.


Does anyone else do this, or is this a bad idea?

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I'm using all four of his abilities (I keep bounce cause I find some use for it during boss speedruns, I use it to vault over walls and stuff).


I also have intensify, constitution, continuity, flow, streamline, and stretch.


So i'm currently not using any health or shield boosting mods. Vauban's shields are already pretty low to begin with, so I'd have to change my play style considerably if I opt to go this route.

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Warframes gaining HP/Shield per level was supposed to allow for that.


DE aren't exactly masters of balance, all their skill effort went into content and style.

yeah vauban is absolutely squishy too at just 225 shields maxed. He's a husky boy, why are his shields so low.

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I personally never use any sort of endurance mod on any frame, ever.  Reason being: there are plenty of other methods of providing a defense, when necessary, that will last a lot longer than your own mods will.  By learning how to not stand out in the open and become a bullet sponge yourself, you can easily run through missions without getting hit, and on those really really hard missions (lvl 80+), you could always bring a vaub for infested, and frost and/or trinity (perma-blessing) for any ranged mission in which you are actually worried about taking too many hits. 


The way I see it, endurance mods are a waste of potential that your frame could put somewhere else.  Learn to abuse your third person camera by hiding behind objects and only poking your head out to take a few shots will teach you that you really don't need them. 

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Depends on the frame. I usually try to get at least a redirection in if possible. But if you can CC properly with your frame (or tend to play lower levels with it), its not a big deal to leave it out. Just don't expect to go high into endless content without good CC and gameplay.

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It's all in the trade off, if you're going to go squishy be prepared to do some serious work. If you go tank be ready for a slower game. 


It's all up to the player. I use Redirection all the time, aside from that I typically do a power build for anything in the Solar System and a utility build for anything T3.

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I personally never use any sort of endurance mod on any frame, ever.  Reason being: there are plenty of other methods of providing a defense, when necessary, that will last a lot longer than your own mods will.  By learning how to not stand out in the open and become a bullet sponge yourself, you can easily run through missions without getting hit, and on those really really hard missions (lvl 80+), you could always bring a vaub for infested, and frost and/or trinity (perma-blessing) for any ranged mission in which you are actually worried about taking too many hits. 


The way I see it, endurance mods are a waste of potential that your frame could put somewhere else.  Learn to abuse your third person camera by hiding behind objects and only poking your head out to take a few shots will teach you that you really don't need them. 

Yeah I was thinking about this. I'd have to completely change my playstyle from run and gun (since you're nearly invincible if you throw on redirection) to cover and pop. I'm up for a change of pace though, it'll be a nice challenge.

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Once you start playing against hight level enemies you will see that there is no much difference between being killed by 1 or 2-3 bullets. Endurance mods are waste of space. The best strategy is to avoid being shotted. You don't even need to do a hide behind covers stuff. AI in warframe is pretty dumb - enemies can't track your movements. So if you are constantly moving they wont be able to hit you.

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The survivability is nice on some frames, but eventually you get good enough at avoiding damage to where you don't need them in most cases.


I'd remove redirecton/fortitude from my Banshee build, but her abilities root you in place with no i-frames, so that layer of protection is too good to drop.


If you plan on taking your vaub to fight infested, then drop both, as long as you are wary you will be fine.


Loki is another frame you can drop all survivability mods for, since they don't scale too well of his low stats and in a pinch quick thinking is a better option.

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I think I have most of the rare mods...


I just cant find really any better mods to fill my drain.


More survivability is crucial for me since I spend most of my time in survival missions...and a slight DPS increase usually isn't worth the massive reduction in survivability.


Yeah I could bob and weave more, take cover more, stick with Rhino #1, #2, or #3 in party....but mowing down masses of enemies is too damn fun...running into a massive pack of mobs and using standard issue ultimate screen clear skill on any given frame is too damn fun


And the frames that don't work well in these situations need that survivability boost way more than the frames built for that kind of action...


So for me, every single frame I have has both vitality and redirection...and if I get vigor they will have that too.


There is no good reason not to use them, unless you are trying to prove a point or are building such a specific build that it wont matter....like a booben ODD bastille build...where you can camp up high and not get touched... and don't need any life or shield.



In fact most of my frame mod set up is extremely similar...real variance is: does the frame come with enough armor to where steel fibers matters?  Do I have skills where I want the AOE to be larger or skills to last longer...will I spam skills?  The difference between these builds is slight for me.

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Redirection is too good for a majority of the content to not equip 90% of the time.


Vitality/Vigor not so much. Fast Deflection / Fortitude tend to be more helpful since shields are so much better than health in this game. That said, with the bleed procs, Vigor has snuck into my rotation on occasion. Still use Redirection predominantly unless I'm going for a full glass cannon build or something.


At higher levels, they're all useless since you're instakilled and whether you die in 1.25 seconds or 1.5 doesn't really make a difference. At that point, I don't use any of them. Best defense at that point is a good offense.

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I use vitality and redirection because I'm still learning how to play the game. I seem to get swarmed easily unless I try to run straight through a level (which will leave my team mates behind, not a good thing to do unless you are running to hack open a door for the team). If you really want to keep them and you have quite a few mods, I recommend selling/transmuting vitality and fusing your redirection. Your shileds will recharge so it's like have regenerating health. You could also craft some team heals and use them when your health gets low.

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