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Why, De, Why? (Lato Nerf)


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actually, there is one particular sidearm, the spectra (6 damage, fire rate 10), that is even worse than the lato (11 damage, fire rate 6.7). on top of that the spectra also has limited range...


ignis and amprex have lower base damage but besides superior fire rate (and consequently superior burst dps) one has a big area of effect and the other 50% crits that deal double damage and chaining/arcing attacks. oh, and the soma has 10 base damage, but triple damage crits, high fire rate, yaddayaddayadda.

Edited by SlyBoots
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actually i'm a bit miffed that the closed beta tester gift got nerfed, not as hard as the basic lato but still lost much in comparison to other mid- to late game sidearms. not to mention the pistol DE got the most money from individual players for. :/

Edited by SlyBoots
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Thank god, so I'm not that crazy yet...

DEs, W.T.F.?!?

Un-nerf them, seriously... what you guys did was a spit on the face of the Fanbase...

We're dying here for you guys to make the best possible use of your limited staff size, and you waste it nerfing one of the most classic, old and iconic weapons in the whole game?!? W.T.F,?!?

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Is there any weapon in the game that does than 11 damage?

It is less about damage numbers, but total damage output. And the situational need.

Nowadays the Lato does less damage than the Mk1, but while the Mk1 has a slightly lower fire rate, the Lato is definitely a bit more unreliable when pushing it that much. The Mk1 is like a "full auto" sniper. Hitting everything it wants to, whereas the Lato does have a bit higher spread and recoil.


So today, there is no reason to use the (ak)lato over the Mk1 at all, regardless of situation. Before, you used the higher damage to deliver it when you needed to in mid/close range, but the more mods you got, the better the Lato became in comparison to your Mk1. No, I am not allowing the argument here that people are likely going to say, like; "dude, you're supposed to switch to other weapons anyway." That point is moot. Especially even more moot when people like [DE]Scott can claim that they've used the Skana through Pluto. I tried on my own how far I can go in the game just with starter weapons, and the first Defense Mission on Earth (Back in U9 I think) was giving me a really hard time. Solo.


At that point, I was using the Lato a lot more than the Mk1, because the pistol mods have simply been superior, and the 24 base damage of the Lato thus made the Mk1 totally obsolete. Now we have the reversed condition. Lato useless in all points. Even when putting the Lato to 18 damage, I'm not sure it would do because then you basically have two identical weapons and you just choose your fluff. So the alternative would be making the Lato something a bit more different. Slower rate of fire to allow for a higher base damage, so you pick your pistol when you really want to deliver a few bullets where they count. I'm fine either way. Anything that gives new players a REASON to use their pistol in the first place.

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I purchased the Aklatos having realized that I never mastered them, and I hadn't used the standard Lato since the nerf anyway so I wanted to see exactly how bad they were now.


My God, leveling these weapons up is physically hurting me, and this is the Aklatos were talking about, so they at least have a decent fire rate and a good ammo supply, but even with +140% damage and +100% multishot it still struggles to kill level 9 enemies, and players probably won't even have access to those mods unless they're lucky!


This is literally what DE gives new players walking into their game? I mean you could argue that they want you to expand and try out new weapons, but there's a difference between encouraging you to try out new stuff and giving the player a middle finger. Plus it's a game that also entails maxing out weapons as a requirement to level up, so giving the player a weapon so horrendously bad that it's painful to level up to 30 is inexcusable. And believe me, it is painful.


Maaayyybe 24 damage was a little much, but the Lato should be doing at least a minimum of 18-20 damage at base level. It was in a perfectly fine spot before it's nerf, slower and with less ammo than the MK1 and thus not good for crowd control, but it did just enough damage that it rewarded accuracy and was more ammo economical, as a semi-auto should be. Now it takes a ridiculous amount of headshots to kill a single enemy, and it's somehow just as ammo-inefficient as a full auto weapon due to the sheer amount of ammo you have to waste for a single enemy.


I hate to rant for so long on such a trivial thing as a starter weapon, but I honestly used to like the Lato, it wasn't so strong that you could face-stomp your way across Pluto with it unmodded, but if you really liked how it played you could invest in it and still make it a fun weapon. I don't see how nerfing a fairly well balanced weapon so severely is improving the new player experience at all.



P.S. Though I will admit that using the Aklatos makes me feel like I'm playing one of the old Tomb Raider games, so there's that. :|

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