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Dual Zoren Or Dual Ichor?



Tbh, I'm pretty torn between the two.

They both seem relatively similar although Ichor has Toxin as its base damage. I've seen people say that the Dual Ichor is a PoS but I can't really tell since I've never used them before.


So can anyone who's used any of these two extensively tell me which is better overall? Since these are both daggers, they can both do "copter"(?). And yes, I've checked the wiki.

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No really good way to distinguish them right before Melee 2.0, but aesthetically they are just night and day. I would just advise you to pick the one you think looks cooler and max it out. Chances are good that they'll both be worthwhile after Melee 2.0 comes out.


I'm not at home to check, but IIRC the Dual Ichors are the weapon that doesn't automatically release it's charge attack. Some people find that super annoying. No idea if/how that will carry over to Melee 2.0 though.

Edited by VKhaun
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