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Is The Grustrag Three Mark Bugged?


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I think there's a million posts about this but why arent i getting the mark. in 100 invasions that I did, i think i got the mark the first time i started and about 30 or 50 invasions later. People with mark are starting to slowly diminish so now it takes 15 to 25 invasions to see the G3. And imagine the fun when the marked one is weak, get's caught, host migrations and then the mission fails. Epic fun. I just need that Brakk Receiver T_T


Don't get me started on the drops. 2/5 times they just drop resources nothing else

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Are you doing the missions just to get them to spawn? It seems like they spawn on any "vs. grineer" mission, just like zanuka and stalker, doing invasions is just to get the mark. I say this because I've had them spawn while attempting stealth missions before now, nowhere near invasion nodes.

Edited by Mystery27zx
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marks aren't cumulative once you have it you have to encounter them to "use" it then you can gain another one, and you have to if you want to encounter them again cause the first one was consumed



Believe me after 290 invasions, the mark has been consumed... by the way it was consumed in the release day too.

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