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Grustrag Three: Personal Experience And A Small Point About The Penalty.


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Hi everyone !


Today i lost for the first time against the Grustrag three, i wasn't marked but apparently it was one of my teammates to, i'm not going to complain since i defeated two of them by myself with a very standard paris (potatoed, three formas and crit build) while the other two tennos... i dunno, were probably leveling stuff ganging the third with a pea shooter or a wooden sword.


Anyway, I was going for the third when one of those mags used crush and two of those Hellion Jetpacks randomly ejected right on me for an instant K.O. (i have a skill build on my Excalibur and we were in the bottom terminal room of the Grineer settlement MD).


We lost because those other two players couldn't do anything against the last Grustrag (i saw them keep on shooting to it for a while before they died too) and i wasn't reviveable since i was stuck in it's "shield" and i found myself "shackled" for the first time... When i saw what i needed to remove it i had a laugh since as "endgame player" i have a quite of those resources, but i still had a thought about it:

If i wasn't marked, why was I shackled too ? Shouldn't be the one/s marked getting the penalty ? Why also I that i don't have any mark for those three numbnuts ?

If that's because the Grineer hate the tenno, then shouldn't Stalky try to kill EVERY single player in a team rather than just one too ? Or the Harvester try to harvest every single tenno ?


Just thinking that those "penalties" should be eighter applyed to everyone or only to the "marked" players of a team.

Edited by Otakuwolf
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