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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Sure." Urza chirped, and turned, "Bye all, Thalia, becareful with him, if he kills anyone, it's your fault." She warned, and Thalia saluted, somewhat. Satisfied, Urza turned back to look at Fili, "I'll be back sooonish?" She said, more of a question than a statement, and then turned to go with Jack,

"Cmon then, I can talk to them next time, when you don't have a deadline coming up, she offered.

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Fili was, obviously, quite shocked and scared by the platform that had almost crushed her into a pancake. Her eyes had widened and she was breathing alot more rapidly. When she finally noticed the little Frost she froze, blinking as she looked at the action-figure Tenno. She saddened again and looked down at Thalia's talk of her killing Urza, but she looked up and her eyes widened again as the same Frost pinned Thalia to the wall, Fili taking a few steps back in response.


She whimpered slightly as the Frost regarded her, taking a few more steps back. When Urza said she'd be going Fili didn't respond audibly, simply looking back as she continued to shake slightly.

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"Hey, chill, it's me, Urza's just being...annoying." The mini frost offered, and Thalia broke the ice shards and picked him up, snuggling him close to her face,

"He's so cute, and he does the ice puns too!" She said, smiling.

"Thalia..." He growled, and she stopped snuggling him, holding him out slightly, but unable to contain her amusement. "Would you just delete me or something? It'll be confusing to have an extra Halcyon running around, and being so small is demeaning." He said, and Thalia just laughed some more,

"He's so noble," she chuckled, and Natalia wrapped an arm around Fili,

"He's dangerous, especially since he apparently has access to the nanites in the dome." She said protectively,

"I can block him-" Thalia offered,

"Hmmm-" Natalia responded, "He said himself it would be confusing."

"I doubt he wants to die, and how cool would it be to have an extra Halcyon, so wise all the time, helpful." She offered, and Natalia narrowed her eyes,

"It's really up to Fili, she's the one it almost killed." She said after a moment.

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"Sounds good..." Urza said, going with him, but being slightly worried about leaving the mini-Halcyon behind, she started heading towards her Liset, but Natalia called after her,

"Wait up, we need to buy a weapon for Fili." She said, and Urza smiled, "Ask Thalia to build one for you. Silly." She responded, leading Jack aboard the Liset and preparing for lift off.

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"It's part of me." She said thoughtfully, placing a hand on a wall, "I originally fled from the dome in this ship, I was scared, terrified, and this was my sanctuary, it led me somewhere, you could say I only survived because of it." She told him as it lifted off, jetting into the dark.

((Moving to crashed pod now, I assume.))

Edited by ultimatumcore
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"Everybody knows somewhere in their hearts that bringing death to somebody is something really wrong but... When the time really comes you will need to either pursue your own destiny and goals or die loosing everything and being sent to concept of the place where nobody doesn't want to end up" somebody said.

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"Well I won't be killing anyone." The mini Halcyon said, "Once I figure out these stupid mashy spike plates." He grumbled, and Thalia picked him up again, giggling,

"He makes old video game references too! Alright, alright, I'm gonna go build him a little Liset, and a little house and dojo." She squealed, backing into a wall, the mini Halcyon attempting to scrabble out of Thalia's grip. Unfortunately, it was futile, and he got pulled through the wall to Thalia's room.

"Well then, I guess we know what Thalia wants for Christmas." Natalia said, watching the scene and holding onto Fili. It took a few seconds, but eventually Natalia facepalmed, I forgot to ask her to build a Liset..."

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"I'll talk to her about it, she's mad, but I think she's mad at herself, the way she's acting, it's hard to tell. I dunno, we'll see what happens, for now, let's just go find a shop to get a weapon for you at, I guess." She offered, leading the way as her warframe was replaced by her jeans and a T-shirt, hoping to make the day seem more casual, rather than walking around with an armored tank.

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Talvi happened to walk in a distance and saw Fili and Natalia. He remembered her mother to say that Natalia was on a trip to void and Fili he recognized from what Dalagan had reported. He approached "Hey. Natalia. You happen to know where Halcyon is?" Talvi asked in a knight armor from really long time ago. Pretty much basic weaponry. Long sword, shield, hook shot on left hand and unusually long longbow.

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"Don't worry, I would protect you." Urza told Fili, and looked up as Talvi approached,

"The actual Halcyon, not really, the mini one? Has to be around the dome somewhere." She told him, bringing up a map to see if Halcyon was indeed on the dome, but hiding, confirming that he was nowhere in the dome to be found.

"Why do you ask? And why the medieval knight get up?" She asked, pointing at his suit.

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"Unfortunately, I don't-" She started, interrupted by a message,

"Inbound with an injured Valkyr, would you mind contacting the medical officer aboard the dome?" He asked, his Liset racing towards said dome as he worked to regenerate the parts of the Valkyr's missing midsection.

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Talvi receives a message from Two mags sighted on a relay. "Huh? They are there? I thought I took them to Lotus" Talvi said "Well... I guess I should go check how the girls are doing. Natalia can you get a message to Halcyon does he know anything about my work what I used to do before the war?" Talvi said.

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"I'll ask him..." Natalia shrugged, heading for the hangar now with greater purpose, she saw Hakcyon's Liset land, and he stepped off of it, pushing a Valkyr with missing pieces on a gurney, he saluted slightly to Natalia before noticing the color of her skin.

"He didn't." He whispered, and Natalia shrugged, his jaw dropped, but he shook his head, regaining his composure. "Come with me." He said instead, pushing the gurney towards the hospital.

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