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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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Natalia looked up, slightly confused at the sudden subject change.

"Never heard of him, never heard of them," She said, her t be light to counteract the insensitive words.

Thalia returned to Fili, defeated,

I'm sorry... I can't get them back... They're disappearing. Thalia told Fili, sadness emenating from her thoughts.

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"In all honesty, I am very tired, and when I'm tired, I get brutally honest, so if I say something that hurts you feelings don't take it personal, and continuing this conversation, I really don't care what happened to, pilot? Weird name, either way..." Natalia said, stopping for a yawn. "It doesn't make any sense why you'd bring it up... If you want me to not be so blegh, how about just staying on topic? Don't switch please, I'm already a bit confused from the other guy, and you aren't exactly helping..." Natalia shrugged, getting up and the walking to the couch. Flopping onto it as if falling asleep.

She's not like lying, I read the vast majority of the books in the library here, I'm always happy to help if you need information of something... Thalia offered, trying to make up for the loss of Fili's friends, knowing it was impossible.

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"I am sorry" Mihya said and then got a message to her mobile phone. "Huh? Even Talvi or GC couldn't take down that record what Pilot busted on the test" Mihya said on confusion. GC and Talvi made it to second place with 10 minutes and 32 seconds while Pilot made it on 3 minutes and 0.4 seconds. "I do can say that Pilot is good but busting a good Tenno on a test sounds like he has cheated somehow" Mihya said. She read Talvi's comment. "I knew he is good but... Being that good... I feel like a wimp now"


Mihya read aloud "Eh... He is taking that too seriously" Mihya said sounding confused.

Edited by Revel72
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((Revel, why do you keep trying to derail Fili's storyline? No body in the room gives any fucks about Pilot. So your character constantly bringing it up makes her seem insensitive and kinda like she got thumped on the head as a kid. And mobile Phone? WTH? They are so far in the future... It's just...*sigh* Screw it, do what you want.))

Thalia was torn, both compelled to comfort Fili and stopped by a strange emotion, one cold and angry, but she wasn't quite sure why it was there.

Fili... She could only manage. Frozen in indecision.

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((Not all knowing mate, but am of the knowledge that people are people, and constantly going on about someone who's apparently lost in space makes so little sense(cents) you lose money in the transaction. I'm not asking you to not participate in her story, even mentioning Pilot is just peachy with me, but please don't shove stuff the characters don't care about into there faces.))

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Fili. Thalia repeated, this time alarmed, Something's happened to Urza... She's disappeared, completely, it's like dropped out of existence. Thalia said, Or, into the void. Thalia continued, now suspicious. I'm-I'm sure she'll be fine, this is Urza we're talking about... Right here, right now... I'm kind of worried about you, I exist inside your body, remember that, so don't be doing anything suicidal. Thalia said, focusing again, trying to nudge Fili out of her mental slump.
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Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine, a scuffle with a limbo could cause that, but, looking at what's recently been happening, with Beta... Thalia trailed off, We can go ask Halcyon, the dome's sensors indicating him approaching at near light speed. Thalia offered.

Halcyon ship stopped abruptly, inertia dampeners keeping him from being thrown around the ship, entering the hangar and landing after a moment, the ramp opening with Halcyon stepping off of it, a magnetically restrained Beta floating along behind him, courtesy of Omega. Halcyon hurried into the dome, wanting Beta in transit for as little time as possible.

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Mihya wanted to comfort Fili but is afraid that she might get attacked by the nanites if she gets closer. (Why these decisions must be so difficult? Keeping myself safe and doing everything what I can to others is difficult already) Mihya thought being worried because of the nanites.

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Of Halcyon? Pfft, he's a wimp. Thalia chuckled, The other frost was tossing him around like a rag doll, and don't worry, if it comes to it, I'll be around to help you now, helpfully, of course, not combat AI-ey. Thalia assured Fili.

As Halcyon walked, he noticed an anomaly, bits and pieces of the walls and ceiling were breaking of and attaching to Beta, in response, Halcyon walked faster, Omega by his side carrying Beta.

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The nanite cloud left out the door, seeking a quite and isolated place in the Dome, devoid of activity.


Fili was quiet for another second, considering before speaking again. "O-okay". She wiped her eyes before standing up, still crying. She looked at Mihya but didn't say anything, instead giving a simple wave goodbye before walking out the door. She looked both ways before saying to Thalia.


"I-I don't know which way to go."

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He's heading toward the hospital, probably to see if he can use the equipment mirage was using, in order to figure out what happened to Beta, though I kind of agree with him, if Urza truly did that to Beta, it doesn't look good for our integrity. Thalia informed Fili, using the dome's security systems to locate Halcyon, along with the network of nanites throughout the dome.

Beta woke, and noticed himself floating magnetically, he looked up slightly and saw Halcyon,

"Don't worry Beta, we'll figure out exactly what happened to you, alright?" Halcyon assured the mecha-Kubrow/wolf. Berta's hearing was slightly distorted, but he heard what Halcyon said, nodding before taking a look around, his previous objective still in mind,

Stay by Jack. Protect Jack. Watch Urza.

Halcyon was slightly surprised at Beta's affirmation, but shrugged, entering the hospital and looking around for mirage,

"Hey, I know you're not a vet, but I was wondering whether you have a quarantine-able area around, Beta here has gotten a little, out of hand..." Halcyon said, looking around for the doctor.

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Beta is Halcyon's Kubrow, a mechanical one, of course, any living ones wouldn't be around for as long as him, he seems to care about it, but no where near as much as he cares about Natalia, Thalia told Fili, attempting to send her a mental picture of Beta as he was normally, near a quarter of his current size, the white washed Kubrow glowed green from within, covered with white armor plates, the only lethal part of him apparently being his mouth, though two subwoofers were incorporated into his haunches.

Halcyon found an empty patient room, shrugging and having Oega place Beta on the ground in the center of the room.

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Basically. Thalia summarized.

Halcyon looked at the door, guessing it was mirage, he answered it, already apologizing to someone of whom he knew would be as irate as usual.

"Hey, sorry about using your room, I just didn't see you around and- oh, hey Fili, come in, Beta's looking, well, interesting." He said, stopping and restarting,

Beta stood in the center of the room, taller than Halcyon, black fur, and electric blue eyes and inner color, razor claws on his paws and a snout in a perpetual growl, though the expression in his eyes tried to convey he was at standby, the eternal snarl and arch of his shoulders made him seem ready to pounce.

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