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Fili stepped into the room, wiping her face. She'd stooped crying by now, though her face still showed heavy signs that it once occurred. She froze when she saw Beta, but moved a f ew steps closer when she remembered what he was. She tried to reach out to him, but found that she couldn't.

"W-what happened to him?" Fili asked, her voice shaking. "H-he looks alot different from how Thalia described him."

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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I definitely made him to be a lot more sleek, initial scans say that he was altered by Urza's nanites, and is now not heeding my commands, at least, not completely, it's almost like he's having trouble hearing me, though, that makes sense of course, under all that mechanized fur..." Halcyon trailed off, walking slightly around Beta, whose head turned to follow Halcyon as he walked.

He's right, those are the nanites I couldn't account for earlier, Urza left them behind the time her nanites were acting up, making her more feral, and I thought I got them all, but even a few left behind would reproduce and eventual get to this point, they must've noticed Beta's power source and were drawn to him... Thalia reasoned, performing her own checks on Beta, though obviously not physically doing anything.

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"Can't know unless we check, Omega? Rail gun." Halcyon ordered, stepping back slightly, indicating that Fili do the same as electricity charged around Omega, focusing on a point in front of the sentinel. Now ball shaped, the electromagnetic pulse focused a bit more, becoming cylindrical, at which point part of the room floated up, entered the cylinder, and a moment later, was launched point blank at Beta's head with destructive force.

Urza? She was fine when I left, but it seemed like she made a mistake I've made before... Either way, I couldn't get her eyes to go back to normal Thalia mentioned, watching the rail gun carefully.

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Fili's eyes widened when Halcyon said Railgun, barely thinking to step back in her shock. She looked from Halcyon to Omega and Beta, trying to comprehend what she bust heard, shouting out and stepping back only when the Railgun fired. She turned backto Halcyon, a face of extreme shock being worn.

"What are you doing?!"

"What mistake?" she asked, some of her external shock seeping into her inner voice.

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"Hm? Oh, I designed Beta to be able to take a hit like that... It looks like Urza's nanites did nothing but improve his armor." Halcyon chuckled, gesturing at Beta, who was shaking electricity off his fur like a dog would shake off water, the electricity going into the floor or arcing toward Halcyon as if he was a lightning rod, "Now I'm just gonna check whether they, or she, did anything to corrupt Beta himself. If he's fine, I can let Urza free, and dismiss it as a mistake, if not, it would be safer with Urza not hurting people." Halcyon shrugged.

I used to have a split personality disorder, looks like Urza is going down the same path.... So he does have Urza, let's hope Beta's AI core hasn't been corrupted... Thalia said, practically whispering the second part.

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Fili blushed slightly in embarrassment before shaking it off, looking at Halcyon, still slightly recovering from shock. "Where's Urza now?" She asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and fear. "Is she okay?"

"Is it like my split personality, or something else?" she asked, her internal voice possessing the same tone as her external.

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"I dropped her pretty deep in the rift, on our plane she's intangible, inaudible, invisible, and just about equal with what we call dark matter. She should be fine, as long as no one especially important to her obtain's a limbo and tries to get to her, I've got Zeta on guard duty, she'll be staying in the void, Zeta able to withstand anything short of an army."

It's a defense mechanism, it splits her between her feral, and nurturing sides, I've nailed it down to her eyes are blue when she's normal, and green when she'd treat a broken arm by putting you out of your misery... Thalia explained, 'looking' into the rift, unable to bring up any data on it.

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"She uh, is suspected of corrupting Beta, and while it's certainly obvious that she didn't physically break him, but if she got to his data, I'll have to delete Beta and leave her in the void, if none of her tampering is present, she can go free, and I can find the idiot that decided it was a good idea to mess with my stuff." Halcyon explained, ordering Beta to sit a couple times before the mecha-wolf complied, laying down on command and sleeping, a small ship ejecting from it's ear.

She isn't, not currently, that I know of... But it'll work itself out, the only eventual outcome would be that she is merged with her other half again, regardless of which side of her initiates that. Thalia told Fili, trying to sound reassuring.

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"Leave her in the void? All alone? For how long? And why would you delete Beta?" She asked, her tone the same as before, though with a touch more fear.

"She'll be okay?" Fili asked, her inside tone more on the fearful side. I-I don't want to lose another friend. I-I don't want to lose more family..."


There was a knock on Natalia's door.

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"I would, yes, she would be able to see and hear you, so she wouldn't technically be alone, but yes, effectively, she would stay there. And Beta? If he was corrupted, I wouldn't be able to count on him, and I wouldn't be able to just leave him around, so I would delete him, that simple, it's not something I'd want to do, but it's necessary." Halcyon shrugged.

I honestly don't know all that much, we haven't been tested for in the void, if she doesn't get out soon, I can't make any assumptions about her health... Thalia said, her voice only now beginning to be tinged with insecurity.

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"Could she even survive?" Fili questioned. "Could she even survive being exposed in the Void for so long?"

"He wouldn't just let her die, would he" she asked. "Halcyon wouldn't just let Urza die..."

The Osprey flew into the room, and nudged Fili, who grabbed it out of the air and held close.


There was another knock on Natalia's door.

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"That's actually a good point, I haven't really had to toss someone so deep in the rift before, but whatev, it's Urza, as long as she stays put Zeta will make sure she doesn't die or anything... If she was smart she's probably have built an Archwing or something." Halcyon said, giving the chip to Omega for scanning.

Halcyon has never liked ending lives, I honestly don't know, if it was Urza's fault that he had to delete Beta, I don't know what he'd do, he's had a lot of loss in his life, I'm not sure if he'd be able to see past his own sorrow enough to make sure others don't experience the same pain... Thalia responded.

Natalia woke at the second knock, yawning and walking over to the door, about to open it, remembering last time she's done that without thinking, drawing her Glaive Prime and opening it a crack to peek at who was on the other side of the door.

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"One of my other proxies, the only humanoid, he's more dexterous than most alive, and is light on his feet, designed to be good for stealth missions in my place, considering how heavy my warframe is." Halcyon explained, inspecting Beta and finding even the subwoofers on Beta's legs upgraded. Omega faithfully floated nearby, processing and checking Beta.

Natalia froze for a moment, going from groggy to confused to incredibly angry to sad, she instantly opened the door the rest of the way, stepping forward

"Fili, c'mon inside, what happened, who did this to you?" She asked.

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There were an awkward few seconds until Omega let out a ding, ejecting the AI card into Halcyon's hand.

"Beta was corrupted, but not by Urza, significant strength malware, installed from an unidentified source, he has been scrubbed, and is now clean, though I would suggest deactivating his ability to connect to LANs." Omega said, and Halcyon nodded, replacing the chip and doing so.

"Zeta? Urza is cleared of guilt, release her at your discretion." Halcyon said, Zeta giving an affirmation. At this point, Halcyon clapped his hands together,

"Alright, so, Omega repair the room, and let's go. We can return to the room yes?" Halcyon asked, Omega going about fixing the claw marks in the floor from when Beta got hit by a rail gun shot.

"Okay," Natalia said, not sure what she meant by giant Kubrow, "Don't worry, I've got you now, I'll protect you, just, wake me up next time you leave okay?" Natalia asked, hugging Filitous close to her.

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Fili watched on, the quietness in her mind starting to bug her once again. She couldn't help but smile, however, when Halcyon said that Urza was free to go. "Urza's innocent?" she asked hopefully. "She's going to be free and okay?"




Fili continued to cry, holding on close to Natalia and not letting go. For comfort, she leaned her head against Natalia's.


She might be able to feel something inside her mind, like a simple nudge or prod.

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"She'll be free, as soon as possible for Zeta, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to instantly drop her out of the rift, considering she can phase through walls and stuff, taking her out of the void while she overlaps another object would mean an atomic explosion... But yea, once Zeta deems it safe she will be back in existence." Halcyon confirmed.

Thalia noticed something strange over the dome's security systems, she argued with herself about telling Fili before deciding it would be good to give her a breather.

Natalia was slightly disconcerted with the intrusion in her mind, but resolved to speak with Filitous about it later, for now just wondering about the giant Kubrow she said something about.

"Shush now, it's alright, you're safe now." Natalia whispered, trying to get her to stop crying, her voice soothing and filled with concern.

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"Do you know where she might be released?" Fili asked, wanting to see her friend and sister again.




"Th-thank you" FIli said, still crying.


Next thing she would know would be an attack. Not a physical, but mental. An attack meant to overwhelm her, stun her, keep her inactive whilst Fili would try and access the nanites that compossed her body, attempting to lock them down to present any physical movement. If the equivalent attack of five super AIs were successful, Natalia would be unable to contact anyone due to it.


Meanwhile the door to Natalia's room was wirelessly closed and locked, with any attempts to open it rendered futile.

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"On Earth, Probably... Unless she followed me..." Halcyon shrugged, Beta standing up and receiving a hair cut, the hair from around his ears trimmed so he would be able to hear Halcyon, "I still think it's weird that someone else got to Beta, if you're going to head to Earth to see Urza, I'll send Onega with you, I'm pretty sure she has a Valkyr now, so just, becareful, though I think the might be incapable of hurting you..." Halcyon said, and patted Beta on the head, "I'll be following up on what happened to this guy in the meantime." He explained, stepping back to let Beta stand.

Natalia was utterly defenseless against the attack, she froze, her mind cornered, her body feeling as if someone had stabbed her, her first reaction was to try to fight, but she was never any good at hacking or the like, and her second was to hide, but figuring there would be no where to go, so she was stuck, too late to do anything, the door closing and locking, apparently, her eyes asked a single question,


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(OOC: I forgot, has Fili met Omega before? I've kinda lost track)




Fili stepped back after she succeeded in paralyzing her victim, observing both her and what her eyes told. Fili herself was bland with no betrayal of emotionalize, though evidence of the tears remained on her face.


"I had expected you to learn from last time. I expected better."


Her voice was emotionless, no evidence of the crying girl from only seconds ago. She reached out a hand and touched Natalia's forehead, entering her helpless mind once again, extracting memories, knowledge and capabilities for her self use.

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((Omega's been in the room the whole time, so that would probably be a yes, either way, Omega is unthreatening, a sentinel sized silver egg.))

Natalia tried to shield her thoughts, the trauma and the sudden exertion causing an anomaly, her thoughts split into two, one side of her viciously striking back, the other trying to hide behind the first.

"I trusted you!" One side roared,

"Don't hurt her!" The other side argued, though not doing anything to stop her vicious side.

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