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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Then there's not much I can do. I can keep a lot in the void, but an entire Liset? Not so much." He told the osprey, "You'll just have to hope Omega had nothing nefarious planned, unless you happen to have a ship of your own around here somewhere." He added, putting the Vectis away, Alpha coming online to cycle Halcyon's shields.

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The Osprey did infact have a ship, but would be more than useless in this situation. It was designed to uplink to either Fili or any of her other AI, not possessing any conventional controls or Cephalons to allow anyone else operation of the vehicle. Still, it beeped furiously, urging Halcyon that they couldn't just stand around and do nothing.

Filitous became worried, distraught when she heard about what happened to Fili.

"Halcyon, there has to be something you can do, we can't just sit around when she's in Omega's hands. We don't know what he will do. He might kill her!"

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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"Omega has core directives, he'd self destruct before killing one of the tenno, so he probably won't kill her... Though, she isn't classified as tenno... Either way, it's not like I can poof up a Liset or other form of ship... I can't think of anyone else who would have a ship we could borrow, other than... But he wouldn't..." Halcyon said, and looked at Filitous, "Blurgh... C'mon let's go ask the ancient Frost." Halcyon grumbled.

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Pilot departed to hangar got in to his ship tossing his winter sport bag aside then dust off to Earth. He wondered what was going on at Lounge but soon he was going to depart. Before it he checked the bag that did he remember everything. (Of course I forget down hill skiing rods...) Pilot thought and departed to his apartment left from Lounge to get them.

Edited by Revel72
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((Not written, I just assumed nobody would think to fire on a ship with characters from two different people on it.))

Halcyon nodded, beckoning to Beta and leading the way,

"Beta, sniff out some All Frosts aboard the Dome, lead the way to the one which isn't one of us." Halcyon said, gesturing to Filitous when he said 'us'.

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Filitous stood by Halcyon's side, waiting for Beta without fear of discovery. She had become a perfect replica of Natalia, going so far as to exhibit the same smells as her, among other things. Only high intensity scans could tell them apart.


Her mind considered the fact that Natalia could break free should she leave the Dome, putting enough distance behind her. With enough distance she would no longer be able to constantly strengthen & repair the mental block set in place, meaning that with enough work Natalia would be able to free herself of paralysis. Speed would be of the essence.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Beta's sniffed, a list running through his mind of characteristics of the tenno that used a Frost Warframe, drawing not only upon the sensor on his nose, but using another, inexplicable form of sensor, he noticed Halcyon, Filitous, Natalia and a couple others, the nearest being in the Dome's library, which he proceeded towards.

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Filitous followed Beta, the Osprey doing the same. There was nothing she really could have done about Natalia's scent without giving herself away. She'd hoped that the scent had been lessened due to her nanites having been completely frozen, no longer exhibiting anything, and that it could possibly just have been mistaken as a spare due to its location.

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Pilot got what he forgot he paid a thought about what has changed in the dome while he has had been on mercenary season. He went to check out the arena. As he arrived he just said. "Woe... Damn good job on keeping this thing up still" Pilot said and then departed to check out the library.

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The Ancient Frost held still a moment longer, and then pushed the book towards the center of the table.

"Initiate." He said, acknowledging Filitous, and looked at Halcyon, "Traitorous Dog." He growled, but didn't stand, "What have you to ask of me?" He asked, looking at Filitous.

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"Is the need adequate? Asking a favor of me means much, and requires great payment, especially, if you are not my student..." He said, and glanced at Halcyon, clasping his hands together, "but that is irrelevant, debt be paid soon enough. Follow me." He said solemnly, standing with all the reverence of a monk, proceeding towards the hangar.

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Filitous didn't so much as blink when the Frost basically said she wasn't Natalia, though she instantly started wondering how she was discovered. She followed the ancient Frost to the hanger, still keeping a respectable distance, not even glancing at Halcyon or Beta.


The Osprey followed close behind, closer to the Frost than Filitous was.

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Beta had started to growl when the ancient Frost had called Halcyon a traitorous dog, and had taken a moment to calm down, as a result, Halcyon hadn't noticed the Frost's hint about Filitous, and followed to the hangar. An orokin Liset waited, not gilded like most Orokin constructs, but definitely made of Orokin influence, he entered the Liset, beckoning towards the others.

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Halcyon hesitated, obviously not sure whether or not to step on the ancient Liset, and upon his hesitation, the Ancient Frost beckoned forward, urging that time was of the essence.

"Right, tenno, where are you needed." He asked, stepping aboard himself and powering it up, activating a holographic UI and accessing pilots controls.

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