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Void Survival Drops. Morphics? And A Possible Solution To Future Additions.


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I know that you (DE) have been having a lot of trouble with getting the drop rates right so that people don't have to farm for hundreds of hours and still never get that illusive part, and so far you have been doing a really good job of reducing the farm time while still making it a challenge to gather the parts.

However I just ran a TII Survival for half an hour solo, and at the end came out with 1 Mag prime Systems (20min), 3 Credit caches (5,10,25) and.... 2 Morphics (15, and 30)... MORPHICS. Credit caches are ok, they can be handy for ranking up the mods and coupled with the massive void credit reward and a double credit booster they become huge numbers.

But morphics, there is no need for them in the void, firstly the 15 and 30 slots are the ones were people usually expect something decent, a BP, or a key, not a resource. Secondly, mercury is were people got to level their warframes and weapons, they will go smash out a half hour survival just to get some more mastery. So most people have got a couple of hundred banked up, and if not they are willing to farm them. But no one will go to the void to farm morphics, they are a useless and aggravating reward which is just oversaturating the void drop tables. Every reward I got from a 30 minute survival on mercury was better than morphics, or credits for that fact (2 rare cores and 3 rare mods and a key) and I still got 4 morphics.

TL:DR: Morphics do not need to be in the void.

Now for something a little different:

On a rather large side note, I have been thinking about the fact more primes will come and the void and derelict are already becoming oversaturated. I think I may have come up with a possible solution.


Orokin Research labs in the Dojo (Not as easy as normal clan research):

So, lets say a new prime is added to the void that DE decides will be able to be researched (Maybe only the old prime gear will get this treatment so the new stuff still has to be farmed). It is initially farmable from the void at a very low drop rate (Due to all the other primes in the void) However, once a clans warlord has a full set of blueprints he can "submit" them to an orokin research lab.

From there the clan can research the blueprints, this costs the clan massive amounts of resources, eg for a storm clan, 2 million alloy plate, 10K control modules, 1K Orokin cells per BP. This forces the clan to still farm resources, once the resources are gained and the blueprint is on the build it has a very long build time eg, 2 weeks (trust me it will be worth it) during this time the members can still try farm the BP's from the void and build it normally, however it is sharing its drop tables with all the other prime gear still in the void so it will be hard to get.

Once the research is done however the blueprints are removed from the void for those clan members, and the percentage of chance it had is then split amongst what is remaining in the void, thus making it slightly easier to farm other stuff.

Possible problem: Clan switching for the builds.

Solution: Make build time appropriate to time in clan. So if you were in the clan when the BP's were being contributed too, or have been in the clan for over a month then you get a 5 day build time on each component, and for each day less that you have been in the clan for increases your build time by 12 hours. Meaning those who switch clans when a clan finishes a build have to wait close to a month for it to build. However if you stick with your own clan then it could only be a 5 day build.

Just a thought.

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