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Bosses And Their Reworks-What Do You Guys Think About Them?


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So as we all know,bosses are a big part of any game,there is a number of things bosses have to have,that the grunts don´t,and they have to be enjoyable,challenging and exciting.

Let´s take a look at msot of the bosses



The second "officialy reworked" boss of Warframe,Captain Vor is the first boss you´ll have to defeat,and does a good job at that.He is not overly complicated and his attacks are easy to dodge.But there is a few problems with him.For example the fact that he can teleport to the weirdest of areas,most of the time destroying the atmosphere the bossfight is supposed to have.

Another is his "Golden Bubble".This is very annoying for veteran players,because of the simple fact that bosses should be able to be killed either quickly if you got the know-how,or slowly if you wanna be cautios or are new at this game.

So what do you guys think about Yui´s not-so-secret crush?



I am sorry if I am going to offend anyone here,but I have a feeling as if DE have just "half-assed" this boss rework.His arena is still horrible because it sports nothing that a boss arena is supposed to have,his abbilities are lackluster and look like they we´re made with haste.The fact that you can only hit him with a GUN and only while he is casting a super destructive "huehuehue lol" abbility,really FORCES you to use certain frames and certain weapons.

Needles to say,I feel like DE should go back and rework him once more.Like his "pyromaniac" them thou.

Do you aggree with me guys?Wat´cha think?



Bravo DE,bravo.The first boss that was reworked from a giant Sawman with a Gorgon,into a walking tank with a hammer.Now,what is so enjoyable about this fight?The fact that youre fighting a guy two-times your size,wielding the power of ice and skull-smashing,while fending off his grunts.He is also very fair towards the player,because his attacks are telegraphed,easily dodgable if you know what you´re doing.He is a very enjoyable boss fight alone,and when he teams up with Vor.

One flaw I find is,that for one of the last bosses in the game planet-wise,he doesn´t really have many moves.I feel like he needs some AoEs and bassicaly more stuff he can do to kill Tenno.

How do you feel about Mr."Get Hammered" guys?

Thank you for reading,Tenno.

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