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The Best Bow Of All Time?



Hello there fellow Tenno,

just a question that was bugging me ever since i started liking bows was which is the better bow?

yes i am aware that the best out of the bunch would be the pairs prime and the worst (arguable) would have to be the Cernos. but a question i couldn't get off my mind was which one of the following 2 bows is better?


the PARIS (not the primed version) or the DREAD?


ive seen alot of of posts related tot his topic but i feel like the answers included within are not exactly well explained. most posts are left open to one persons opinion which most of the time isn't exactly really helpful to other players who might be thinking on getting the Dread or the Paris.


I would like to know which bow is better (Paris or the Dread), relative to the stats given to each bow.

in the end i hope that this discussion would benefit new players from picking between the better bow and also for me to make up my own mind on which bow i should keep.

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Paris and Dread are specialized for what they do but stat wise, The dread wins over the unprimed Paris


However, Paris still isnt bad. It is puncture so it will take out some heavy Grineers with some vigor


Paris Prime and Dread are roughly on the same page with Paris prime winning a little more


Paris is still better than Cernos, however

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Paris is my Bow of choice. i like the Aesthetics of the Bow, and the Arrow looks pretty nice.


Dread looks okay, but it's arrow is ridiculous. it's also far too 'dumbed down' if you ask me. i see no reason for a Bow to shoot so flat, unless it was trading power for that trajectory - which it certainly isn't.


Paris Prime.... man i want to take that arrow and put it in another Bow. that arrow looks beautiful. but that Bow is so ugly, disproportionate and physically impossible that it's not even funny. 



statistically though, ParisP technically is a little ahead of Dread, and Dread beats out the other two Bows no question, with Paris after it. however, against Armored Enemies, Dread could have some issues in comparison to Paris.

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What, statwise, makes the Paris Prime better than the Dread? Base damage? Draw speed? Nock speed?

Dread has a higher crit rate, you can have a lower rank of Point Strike to be able to max it out @ 100% Crit Rate, so it saves you a single mod point.

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What, statwise, makes the Paris Prime better than the Dread? Base damage? Draw speed? Nock speed?

Dread has a higher crit rate, you can have a lower rank of Point Strike to be able to max it out @ 100% Crit Rate, so it saves you a single mod point.


Paris Prime is also able to reach 100% crit chance without maxing Point Strike.

Paris Prime have a bigger normal attack crit multiplier. (Charged is the same)

Paris Prime deals Puncture Damage which is the best physical damage type, because of the Armor Scaling in the game.

Paris Prime have a faster Reload Speed.


But yes its just slightly superior to the Dread. I guess one could argue the Dread is better vs Infested because Slash Damage. But all these bows will most likely overkill everything anyway... 

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Ok so before you decide which bow is the best you need to understand the pros and cons of each bow.

Paris is puncture

Cernos is impact

Dread is slash

No accurate data on arrow flight speed on the wiki, sadly. I can say that charge speeds for the Cernos are highest, with Paris in middle and Dread at the bottom. I believe Paris has slowest arrows, Dread fastest, Cernos in the middle.

Cernos is weakest in terms of base damage (but if separated between stats, the highest Impact damage for Cernos is higher than puncture damage for Paris)

Paris is in between

Dread is highest damage.

Cernos has highest crit chance but low crit damage.

As for the Paris Prime, it appears to be tied with Dread for crit damage, arrow speed, but has arrows that shoot straighter. Has higher damage than Paris and is tied with Dread. Paris Prime, statistically, is best, but is also hard to get without trading. Dread is second hardest as you must either shell out a lot of cash for it or grind for Stalker.

So yeah make your decision on what you think. As for the Cernos, I'm actually quite fond of it. I see people call it useless but I love being able to shoot arrows fast and accurately. And yes it DOES make my shoulders look cool thankyouverymuch.

Edited by 8bit_Ghost
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Stop asking what the "best" weapon is and start asking yourself what you want to kill, then you can ask what the best weapon would be against that.


Dread against corpus crewmen and light armoured grineer. (melee units, hellions and scorchers)


Paris against corpus robotics and heavy armoured grineer.


I havent tried the Cernos yet, but considering it does impact and impact is only particularly good against shields (you still need to deal with what the shield is covering) I would not expect much carnage to be done.


I did not count the infestation cus I suggest not using a bow against em.

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Im gonna sayparis prime and dread are best equally because at the end of the day its how u use and mod the weapon which makes it stand out and if u mod them right they both can take down any enemy easily so really its all down to appearance of what u want huddled on ur back and trying to look badass really

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