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Back After A Year Gone! Totally Confused What To Do!?!?



Hey guys! I was logging in again to see whats new! Can someone summerize what has changed, and also give me some guidelines what to do now? I still have ALOT of stuff. Rank30 Loki, with Rank30 gun. Tons of fusion cores, rares cards etc. Also about 200k credits. I was hoping for a good solo player experience. And Since I can craft Rhino head. I was thinking of maining him? He seems good for solo play, Loki seems kinda weak. Any suggestions are welcome!

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That's not really a lot you have there to be honest (a whole lot of new and stronger weapons came out while you were gone)...and while yes Rhino is good for solo play, Loki can be as good with the right mods (mainly Stretch and Overextended which you can get from the orokin void) and using Radial Disarm...there'd be a lot to talk about but that's just a quick thought.

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aight first thing, this should prolly be moved by the mods to the 'players helping players' forum

but anyways, yes A LOT has happened, but the game is still basically the same, I will give you some of the most useful links i can:




both loki and rhino are great frames btw, check the latest updates in the patch notes forum here, and be careful out there tenno!!

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IMO, what you should do is go to upgrade every weapon/frame and hit auto-fill (not autofuse)

and that will put decent mods in until you get a better grasp of what to do.


Then check out the star system map and try to open up any planets you don't have unlocked.  Pay attention to the alerts on the right, that's where you will farm stuff like rare weapons and helmets.


First thing I would do, after auto filling the mods on your gear, would be to run the first mercury mission on solo, just to get back into the gameplay. 



Oh and remember to walk up walls how W+Spacebar to wall walk horizontally hold shift+W+spacebare when approaching a wall.

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If you been gone for a year then I guess here are some of the major things


Damage 2.0



Alad V



Infested are in the derelicts now






the new HUD

(just look at over yourself)


New warframes: Nova,Vauban,Nekros,Valkyr,Oberon,Zephyr

(volt,banshee,and zephyr are clan build warframes now)

(Frost got a buff and change to his snow globe)



Cosmetics (scarves and skins)



TONS of new weapons



New tile sets for corpus and grineer





Hunters that can kill the tenno





that is all I can think about right now. good luck


Sidenote: Consider you have just come back after a while, I will suggest Rhino because he is very new player friendly and is good at Solo play. Loki is fragile but in no way weak, however, he does take practice to learn how to use.

Edited by Anatolius
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IMO, what you should do is go to upgrade every weapon/frame and hit auto-fill (not autofuse)

and that will put decent mods in until you get a better grasp of what to do.

Yeah, Auto-Install installed Meele Prowes on my Orthos Prime as the first and only mod, so...


Then check out the star system map and try to open up any planets you don't have unlocked.  Pay attention to the alerts on the right, that's where you will farm stuff like rare weapons and helmets.


Alerts are on the left side of the screen

Edited by Angius
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Wow, thanks for all the feedback. Didnt expect that quite honestly. I forgot to mention I use rank30 Braton, Rank11 Akalaton and rank6 Dark Sword. Any improvements I can do right now? Also have an wyrm with Laser Rifle. I guess I should unlock all the missions. Eventho... I remember doing alot of them already. All these planets are confusing me. And ofcourse farm for the other Rhino Parts.  Also which MODS should I focus on? Maybe someone kind enough wanne play abit with me. I forgot so many things....

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Wow, thanks for all the feedback. Didnt expect that quite honestly. I forgot to mention I use rank30 Braton, Rank11 Akalaton and rank6 Dark Sword. Any improvements I can do right now? Also have an wyrm with Laser Rifle. I guess I should unlock all the missions. Eventho... I remember doing alot of them already. All these planets are confusing me. And ofcourse farm for the other Rhino Parts.  Also which MODS should I focus on? Maybe someone kind enough wanne play abit with me. I forgot so many things....

Karak is aa very dependable gun. and Boltor, if you don't mind the flight time.

For secondary I highly recommend Akbolto.

Meele is a bit lacking nowadays, only a few weapons that are viable. But Meele 2.0 is coming soon, so it can change.


As for mods - basic damage ones - Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Serration, Split Chamber, basic defensive one - Redirection. Try to max all of those sooner or later.

Also elemental mods are pretty much a must-have. Toxin + Electricity = Corrosion for Grineer, Cold + Electricity = Magnetism for Corpus, Toxin + Heat = Gas for Infested.


If you're looking for someone to play with, feel free to add me in-game. IGN the same as on forums.

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