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[Ic] The Crucible (Open Rp)


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One thing that might be noted to Vega is that Katya doesn't learn. This large thing soaked up the Derringer bullets like they were rubber, of course being more powerful then regular weapons, they do knock him back a touch, of course he respond with a open palm which proceeds to try and slam Katya and Lia flat as a pancake!


But Anastasia's grenades just give the thing indigestion and a case of explosive bad stomach...and a bad case of the runs


Anastasia looked to Harad and asked, "Any ideas?" as she pulled out her Vulkar. She aimed for the Alpha's eyes in hopes of blinding it like she had done to the previous ones. That should at least prove useful. Then again, it could also make things worse by causing it to flail around.


Harad looked to Anastasia and replied, "Why are you asking me for a plan?" To that, the response was that he seemed to be the only one among them who really had a plan of any kind for most of the challenge. Harad shrugged before he had his Drone pepper the Alpha with energy bolts at a distraction, hoping it would give him time to move around to a good firing position with his Supra.

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One thing that might be noted to Vega is that Katya doesn't learn. This large thing soaked up the Derringer bullets like they were rubber, of course being more powerful then regular weapons, they do knock him back a touch, of course he respond with a open palm which proceeds to try and slam Katya and Lia flat as a pancake!


But Anastasia's grenades just give the thing indigestion and a case of explosive bad stomach...and a bad case of the runs


(Derringers are part of her abilities, it works like Shuriken does for Ash, bullet attractor magnifies the power)

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"Katya, weak points!" shouted Lia as she tossed the Grag against the wall, shaking the observation platform above. "On it!" Katya shouted back, releasing the energy pulse that revealed it's weakness.


"We need a big hit on that weak point!" shouted Lia, looking at Anastasia's Vulkar.

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"Katya, weak points!" shouted Lia as she tossed the Grag against the wall, shaking the observation platform above. "On it!" Katya shouted back, releasing the energy pulse that revealed it's weakness.


"We need a big hit on that weak point!" shouted Lia, looking at Anastasia's Vulkar.

Katya reviles that the current weaknesses are it's eyes. meanwhile the public squeel a bit as the platform shakes and the Sargent shouts "Watch your strength Tenno!"

Edited by Drakeardian
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"Concentrate fire on the eyes!" said Lia, drawing her Boar Prime.


Doing so, Anastasia and Harad both focused their fire on the beast's eyes. It was easy for Anastasia with her Vulkar but with the spread of Harad's Supra, he was mostly just spraying plasma bolts at its head.

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Doing so, Anastasia and Harad both focused their fire on the beast's eyes. It was easy for Anastasia with her Vulkar but with the spread of Harad's Supra, he was mostly just spraying plasma bolts at its head.

Now the Damn Grag is blind, has plasma burns on his face and his pushing with all his strength to release himself, Time for Katya to make a killing.

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Of course, Katya has compleatly blown the entire contents of the Alpha Grag's brains out of his skull, and the Sargent Laughs, the Crowd cheers, Even Vor, Nef and Krill raise their mugs and cheered, watching as the snowy landscapes disappeared and returned to the normal arena.


"Good Combatants! you have earned your break! 20 minutes for re-stock and refuelling!" and the doors opened

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Harad was confused by what Sergeant Vega had just said. Wasn't it supposed to be over after nine waves? He did not like the sound of that at all. If things were to get even more dangerous then he was going to take his leave and whatever prize they would have for him.


Anastasia was also confused. Nine waves were mentioned but nothing after that. Just what was going on?

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Harad was confused by what Sergeant Vega had just said. Wasn't it supposed to be over after nine waves? He did not like the sound of that at all. If things were to get even more dangerous then he was going to take his leave and whatever prize they would have for him.


Anastasia was also confused. Nine waves were mentioned but nothing after that. Just what was going on?

The Alarm bell rings for the combatants to re-enter the ring

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Taranis, just like everyone else, is surprised that the Sergeant still had something up his armored sleeve. He immediately loses interest in entering the arena for combat assuming the Sergeant would do the same to him if he were to last all 9 waves. Keeping his eyes on Vega, Taranis brings a seat from the bar to the viewing platform and gets comfortable.

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The Sargent smiles as the arena doors close and stands up 


"We all know that a Tenno is powerful, but so is a prime, to even the odds for our non tenno combatants!" Lia and Katya would notice that their Warframe energies are draining "I have activated a energy leech field around the arena, should they wish to regain their energy, they are going to have to appease the crowd!" And the Sargent laughs evily as does the Grineer CO's "And now for our next fight!" The scenary becomes that of a planet covered with lava, platforms cover the Combatants from a fiery fate and a lake of Lava flows around the combatants!


"These creatures have been the blight of Volcanic Sector on earth! they have survived the hottest temperatures! they have cooked Grineer Flesh and melted it to the bone! RELEASE THE LAVA SCRAKE!" 


And 3 large Scorpion like creatures rise from the Lava, their pincers clack as they look on the fighters! The first one starts to breath a wave of fire at the Combatants!"

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"Energy drain huh?" asked Katya, noticing she still had just enough energy to use her Derringers. "Here's what I think of your energy drain!" She ran and slid in the middle of all 3 scorpions and fired one continuous destructive beam from each of her derringers, cutting them to pieces. Standing up again, she retracted her derringers into her Frame again.


Lia looked up at the grandstand. "I think we're done here. What's the deal with an extra round?" she asked.


(like this:

) Edited by MetroFallout
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"Energy drain huh?" asked Katya, noticing she still had just enough energy to use her Derringers. "Here's what I think of your energy drain!" She ran and slid in the middle of all 3 scorpions and fired one continuous destructive beam from each of her derringers, cutting them to pieces. Standing up again, she retracted her derringers into her Frame again.


Lia looked up at the grandstand. "I think we're done here. What's the deal with an extra round?" she asked.


(like this:


Katya was slightly on the mark, however as much power as it took to give it all she got, these creatures look tougher than they look, but Katya actually just burnt a section of their armour off, giving the others  a good place to shoot. 


The Sargent laughs "Oh no, this isn't an Extra Round Tenno! this is Round 5! I just needed a moment to Even the odds!"

Edited by Drakeardian
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While the flip was a good move, the crowd seemed unimpressed by the meager attempt at the undersides of the scorpion creatures. The waiter MOA took this opportunity to weave among the crowd, collecting credits as they lifted pints of GrinBeer from the platter atop its head.

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