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What Do You Dislike About Warframe


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The list is really long for me, but I'll keep it to one thing.


- Lack of tooltips and in-game information.


It's all well and good when you've been playing it for hundreds of hours like I have, but the simplest bits of information are still not even there. In the past I've already suggested UI modifications to the arsenal and foundry, and it looks like they finally decided to show more in-depth weapon stats in the arsenal (which is GREAT).


However, maybe some indication about what fire and electricity damage even means? Any explanation at all about damage 2.0? where do I find that as a new player? Where do I learn that puncture is better for certain factions and units than others? How do I even begin to make an informed decision about what mods to use for particular missions, and what polarities I should want for particular weapons? I feel like there's so much information in the wiki that should be in the game instead.


What about tooltips for mods? once upon a time, it said "upgrading this mod would increase the duration" for an ability like.. trinity's Link, for example. This is only shown for a select few mods. What would be nice is if they had the actual stats. i.e. rank 1/2/3/4 of ability does 100/150/200/250 damage, and costs X/X/X/X energy, and lasts for X/X/X/X seconds, etc.


How about with fusion? maybe show the specific fusion values for mods?

e.g. Serration mod from rank 2 to 3 needs 100 fusion points, which can be achieved by 4 x common(3) fusion cores, each worth 25 fusion points, or 20 x slash dash mods, each worth 5 fusion points. 


What is nightmare mode? am I expected to just do it without knowing beforehand? can't there be some small indication somewhere that says:

"The Lotus wants to send you on a highly sensitive mission reserved for the most elite Tenno, you will need to complete these missions with a random combination of debilitating handicaps, but in return, you are likely to receive more valuable rewards."


I mean, these are little things, but I really feel their impact, maybe it's just me.


Looks like this post is longer than I anticipated. I just think it's incredibly confusing for a new player to pick up the game because of this lack of information within the game. They're on the right track in this area from what I've experienced since U6, but it's still not even close. :(

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Consistency in Weapon Damage Numbers

Sometimes the loadout doesn't update my numbers right and I have to mouse over the weapon a few times to get the right damage values, but this isn't really a game problem so much as a code fix.


That thing is actually caused by a multishot modification. Happens the % chance of having a multishot "also" affect the display-ability of the stat... So... at 25% chance ( of the mod ) you have 25% chance to see the double number of the stat ( since they get doubled from multishot ) and when at 90% ( max mod ) You have 90% of seeing the doubled stat.


I tested it... I took off my multishot mod from my weapon andt he dmg was always shown teh same... Put it back andt hey changed on many occasion, considering my current is at 75%.

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Let's just say a lot of things. I like the game and the developers too for a lot of things but I also hate the game and developers for a lot of things. I fear to say more because my posts got deleted by DERebecca when I put myself in the spotlight and questioned them about their latest issues with the another delay of Melee 2.0. I fear for my account at this point. They don't like that people question them and bring their reputation on the line of fire it seems.

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