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Everyone Wants Harder Content


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right all the low level survivals are packed with high level characters, where it takes 30 minuets to get harder, and plutos survival is dead all the time where it takes considerably shorter for hard content to arrive.


oh but im sure you guys can all go indefinitely in survival because it never gets hard...right...


Also assuming you all have built every item in the game, because apparently me and the ponyfreak are the only two people who constantly needs credits..

Edited by Cyberdown
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lol even on uber high level this game doesn't become hard


it just becomes weather on not you have the gear and the team for it


people don't seem to get it that this game requires very little skill


it doesn't take skill to cast blessing every time it runs out


it doesn't take skill to forma a weapon 20 times to make it uber OP


it doesn't take skill to be good at this game.


with the right group we can get to the point where it simply takes to long to kill stuff, or you get killed in the time it takes to cast blessing.


we need smarter enemies not more powerful health sponges. 

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I simply think that doing alerts, which offer you no decent rewards, is not worth the time you spend doing them.

You can get the credits faster just by doing some Void missions.

And besides, the hardest content this game has to offer is Rhino Prime Chassis grinding. Nothing comes close to it.

Edited by Harbinger777
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I simply think that doing alerts, which offer you no decent rewards, is not worth the time you spend doing them.

You can get the credits faster just by doing some Void missions.

And besides, the hardest content this game has to offer is Rhino Prime Chassis grinding. Nothing comes close to it.

Not if you have a credit booster >:3

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We want better enemies A.I. Not bullet sponges and aim bots.

Better enemy AI doesn't do much except maybe on low levels. If you can walk into a room full of enemies, use an ability that hits unlimited targets and disables or kills all of them, we can't really get much harder content.

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'hard' content?


a level 1 Enemy is identically as challenging as a level 500 Enemy. all that changes is TTK goes up. the enemy is identical challenge, therefore people get bored.


it doesn't help that Weapons and Powers are usually setup to deal with absurd numbers of Enemies in a trivial manner. 



Not if you have a credit booster >:3

i hope you realize that the Credit Booster boosts ALL Credits. by the same amount. identically. so the Void still comes out far ahead, because all missions get the same flatline boost. 

5*2==10 and 15*2==30. if one starts higher, it ends higher if you have the same modifier for the two.


Edited by taiiat
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