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Is Zephyr Really Worth The Farm





I really want Zephyr, but farming it will take me up to 2 Months (Half of the clan members don't even contribute) 


So I wanted to know, should I keep farming? Or should I just forget about her ? 


I heard that she's quite fun, but I also heard that about Nova and she is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad (In my opinion of course)

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Zephyr is great for speed runs. If you have a good weapon you can just dash through most levels and kill everything. Notice I said "if you have a good weapon" though because while she is really mobile, and has great damage mitigation, her abilities don't do much damage. Also most of the time you wouldn't want to use her 4 aside from much needed CC. 


Overall, IMO she's only good for rushing low level planets. 

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She's alot of fun, you'll practically never know what it's like to actually have to walk across a tileset! Ult is good. Turbulence is good, her only downside is teh Armor. But she has no problem with evading the hits! (Also, the farm is technically down as you could be farming a boss instead of just forking creds over, not the same time as ALL the Oxium, but it definitely cuts down.)


Gotta have a good gun and her 2 is currently bugged.

Edited by un1337ninj4
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Yep. High health, shields, speed, mobility, low armour, and not many super powerful damaging abilities. If you prefer mobility in combat, she's perfect. I use her over than my Rhino, and he's been with me for nearly a year now XD

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there isn't any possible way to not have fun with zephyr. some think shes great others not so much but you will enjoy this frame I guarantee it. I suggest joining a better clan as a side note but I know that its not about the research when it comes to clans usually. try to run kappa on sedan as much as possible for improved oxium runs. it shouldn't take that long to farm if you run it around 15-20 times.

Edited by quietcanary
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there isn't any possible way to not have fun with zephyr. some think shes great others not so much but you will enjoy this frame I guarantee it. I suggest joining a better clan as a side note but I know that its not about the research when it comes to clans usually. try to run kappa on sedan as much as possible for improved oxium runs. it shouldn't take that long to farm if you run it around 15-20 times.

Kappa is broken on PS4, the best is Misma(Or something like that) on Saturn.


Well, thanks for the reply's everyone! I'll keep farming her. 

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Nova is extremely good damage wise. I'd just farm rare mods/prime parts and sell them til you have the plat to buy her.

That would be my last resort ^ .  



Yeah Nova is good damage wise but in my opinion Ember is wayyyy better. And She's "Funner" to play with.

Edited by (PS4)korm-2_0
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Zephyr was one of the most enjoyable frames I played with, I put 3 forma on it and it was a joy each time I leveled.


but recently I haven't really used it and found that I can't really choose it over another frame for "serious play"

That's perfect. I never play seriously except against bosses. And even against bosses there's 1.5 chance on 3 that I take a serious Frame.  + She's fast and she has turbulence. And she has tornado  (Knocking down enemies For the win) 

Edited by (PS4)korm-2_0
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Zephyr has some of the highest personal survivability, right up there with Trinity/Valkyr/Rhino.


She has a great CC ultimate, and she can fly. Unfortunately flying doesn't help out the team much, and the tornadoes tend to scatter enemies all over the place, making them actually harder to kill.


A lot of fun, but not as synergetic as Trinity or Rhino, imo.


For the tank frames, by team synergy, Trinity>Rhino>Zephyr>Valkyr.

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Well, I'll probably get it :3 . 


Me and my best friend get around 15-35 oxi per run, and we do these runs around 5 times a day (We started 2 days ago) at the long run we'll probably (Hopefully) get all the parts at the end of this month.


I'm really thankful for all your opinions! 

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If there were more open world maps, and if Volt didn't actually SHARE his speed boost (it gets insane with the pulse helm and a maxed intensify) with the team, maybe. At the moment, I only really see people using her for her defensive boost and her 4th, rarely using her first or second ability.

Given the insane 600 Oxium total cost you'll need? Might want to at least forma a secondary or melee you like to make those Kappa runs worth it.

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she's the most fun frame in the game atm , though the oxium req is kinda insane , do a kappas  run  takes about 20 but space then out . the secrete to these kinda run are full clan runs  ; where your typing and joking with your clan the whole time , heck makes the whole game better. 

Edited by Ravel7
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I've been getting pretty good hauls of oxium from Phalan survivals. Been doing 15min runs for T3 keys and getting about 30-60 a run, depending on how well the other players kill the ospreys--or where.


It's a nice change from Kappa, you get useful T2 and T3 keys, and less sturm and drang from doorway campers, the rushrushrush people and other nuisances. Any spare oxium can go towards building distilling extractors.

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