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Please Critisize My Frost Prime Build.



So I chose Frost Prime to be my first maxed warframe and here is the build I came up with (2 formas): http://goo.gl/tu4RLc


Edit1: Never intended to get continuity, Stretch was my goal. Also took advice from 2nd post and changed the link.


If you dont want to click the link, mods are the following:

Blind Rage Maxed

Intensify Maxed

Redirection - one from top

Vitality - one from top

Steel Fiber - Maxed

Flow - Maxed

Continuity - Maxed Stretch - Maxed.

Streamline - Maxed


Skills: maxed Snow Globe + maxed Avalanche.

Aura: maxed Physique.


The idea is to be very tanky SG guy with panic button being Avalanche. Flow and Streamline are to compensate efficiency penalty of Blind Rage. Continuity is selfexplanatory. Steel Fiber is for the Globe, just like the maxed power strength.


Questions are:

1) Overall thoughts?

2) Do I actually need this much tankiness?

3) Physique worth? I figured it is the best if I dont want to change polarity, otherwise id take Energy Siphon.

Edited by AkaiKuroi
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12 answers to this question

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You'd be better off replacing an attack polarity with a defense polarity.

Still two formas, btw.



Sidenote: I kcufing hate how the mod cards expand in Warframe Builder. It's slow, unintuitive, and largely worthless, serving only to screw with the user's selection.

"Oh I think I'll move my mouse over to the left a bit to click on this other mod, BUT NO SOME OTHER MOD DECIDED TO EXPAND ITSELF AND NOW IT HAS HIJACKED MY SELECTION."

Edited by Knaimhe
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Could take regeneration instead, looks alright.


I don't have any criticism unless you really want me to go deep into how your build is full of (tiny) flaws.


on another note: i think all posts should start with "please criticise me", or something along those lines it's what people seem to do regardless of the heading and details.

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Criticize?  ok.


Your short, you often small bad, the Lotus Dresses you funny, Your have a funny shaped head,

the only job you could get is a Janitor at a Corpus Ice cream shop, you flunked out of Kindergarten because you didn't know how to scribble!

and to be honest...  your boots are ridicules.

Edited by OniDarkClown
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Over tanked IMO. You will never need all that buffer + mitigation until you get into Endless content, and in Endless areas you will eventually find tank meaningless as things start to pwn you really easily sooner or later. I admit I run Frost like that sometimes, but it's never necessary. Since you're doing the HP regen aura, you want mitigation not buffer. Drop Redirection and Vitality. Keep Steel Fiber. Add Vigor. This leaves one open spot.


Continuity is just not worth a slot on it's own.,especially not with the new globe mechanic. It's just not enough of a difference. All IMHO of course, maybe you notice it. I would drop that to open another spot.


Quick Rest / Rush in those spots IMO. I'm not normally big on speed, especially if I'm going to be using a light weapon that can flip me around, but Frost just feels slow as balls. I don't enjoy him very much in multiplayer without Quick Rest / Rush. Even in defense, just picking up loot or running to revive someone is a chore.

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Criticize?  ok.

$#*(@ please I have best stripper necktie in my Dojo.


Could take regeneration instead, looks alright.

Well, I am interested. I only posted this to get opinions from those more experienced than I am, so anything you have to say is appreciated.


Continuity is just not worth a slot on it's own.,especially not with the new globe mechanic. It's just not enough of a difference. All IMHO of course, maybe you notice it. I would drop that to open another spot.


Wow I depred like a boss. I mean to have stretch for range and that would be self explanatory. Duration is indeed very questionable here.


You'd be better off replacing an attack polarity with a defense polarity.


Lovely addition, thank you. It never occured to me. I was freaking out about having non maxed mods and now its no longer the case.

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I recomand you to max the ice wave is verry efective and has a huge range It takes 50 energy and it can afect enemys at aprox 5 meter left and right and about 40-50 meters forward I don't know exactly the range but i estimate.Horewer does not takes more damage that Avalanche or to be that efective if the enemyes is all around you.

Edited by Andrei2560
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I recomand you to max the ice wave is verry efective and has a huge range It takes 50 energy and it can afect enemys at aprox 5 meter left and right and about 40-50 meters forward I don't know exactly the range but i estimate.Horewer does not takes more damage that Avalanche or to be that efective if the enemyes is all around you.

I kinda agree here, I prefer using ice wave max with above average stat power mods like range and power, i find it a lot more useful then avalanche now.

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1) Squall Helmet

2) Rejuvination, not Physique

3) Snowglobe has 4 seconds of absorb, so should last 8 seconds + health. This means a shorter, cheaper SG is better. Slot at least R4 Fleeting Expertise instead of Flow, imo.

3) I would drop BR to rank 8, giving +117% strength, 50% efficiency. This means SnowGlobe is 25 energy, 12 seconds, which is cheaper than your 93.75 energy for 30 seconds, that might break anytime after ~12-15 sec

4) Because SnowGlobe only takes damage for ~4 seconds and its not as big a deal if it breaks, we no longer need Steel Fiber (which only adds like 1000 hp to the globe anyways)

5) Stretch might be too much. Personally I love it for Ice Wave / Avalanche, but makes the globe too big to use reliably, imo. For defenses I replace with Constitution.

6) In order to use all of Stretch, all 3 abilities and a little +duration, we abandon Vitality, as we will mostly be hanging out in the globe and don't really need it.


All of that leaves us with this: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Frost_prime/t_30_13301144024_1-6-10-4-3-5-5-7-5-6-8-5-12-9-7-13-1-3-37-10-5-55-2-5-73-5-3-74-4-3-75-0-3_75-7-13-7-55-6-4-9-74-5-73-4-1-7-5-11-6-11-12-7-37-14_24/en/1-0-8


25e globe for 20 sec with 4 sec of that immune and 8545 health.

25e for 1500 Ice Wave, 29m long

50e for 2200 Avalanche, 22m radius

~2600 effective health


You can also substitute Vitality back in instead of Constitution and make Snowglobe shorter, more useful for higher levels where it will break before 20 sec is up anyways. I like Constitution over Continuity for the knockdown recovery, which can help when the pod is swarmed and knockdowns are everywhere. Can also abandon Ice Wave or Avalanche for Vitality.


Edit: Fit both +duration and +range, lose unneeded health. 6) added.

Edit2: Made the build work with 2 forma instead of 3.

Edited by Darzk
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4) Because SnowGlobe only takes damage for ~4 seconds and its not as big a deal if it breaks, we no longer need Steel Fiber (which only adds like 1000 hp to the globe anyways)

One question, are you sure steel fiber doesnt add to sg health?


Other than that, amazing and very insightful reply, thanks a lot.

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One question, are you sure steel fiber doesnt add to sg health?


Well it does, but like I said it only adds about 1k health to it.


Without Steel Fiber, base armor is 190, so adds 950 health.

With Steel Fiber, modified armor is 399, so adds 1995 health.

Thus adding Steel Fiber increases SG health by 1045 hp.


As far as I know damage done to the globe is not reduced by armor. If it did SF would be valuable, but as it stands I cant see taking it purely for the SG health. Maaaaybe if you plan to health tank, but that's just bad >.<

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Yeah, that is right. I brainfarted and assumed maxed steel fiber gives 440% armor instead of 110% just like redirection and vitality. I now absolutely agree with both your math and your opinion on it. Thanks again.


Aw that would be overpowered, Valkyr with 5.6k armor would be insane.


Updated the build to fit both Constitution and Stretch. Think Vitality isn't really needed as we spend most of the time hanging out inside the globe, and without Steel Fiber health only has a 1.67x effective modifier.

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