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Your Beginner Mistakes


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Share some of the mistakes you made when you first started playing the game. For me it was;

1. Selling Fusion Cores to make some extra credits

2. Picking Mag over Excaliber

3. Not having a full understanding of Mag's abilities(I thought Crush only targeted one enemy and I didn't like her other skills, so I just used pull) and selling her prematurely. I didn't have all the important mods back then that could have made her better, and I'd probably give her a second chance with Mag Prime.

4. I spent my 50 free Platinum on...revives and nano spores. Oh the shame! That's right, instead of getting the two most important platinum only resources in the game(warframe and weapon slots) I got the two least Platinum worthy things in the game. I was just really frustrated because I was still trying to solo things and I ran out of revives and the weapon I wanted needed more nano spores and I couldn't get them. Those two things(revives and market resources) really feel like "noob traps" they are something only beginners will buy because they don't have any experience with the game and don't know that they really aren't worth anything, especially not plat.

Edited by JerZeyCJ
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1. Chose Loki, read description: Challenge Accepted


2. Melee everything, we are ninja's right?




4.Never used a revive even 2 feet from extraction..didnt want to waste them.....before I knew they were daily revives...

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1. Spent my first 50p on immortal skin before I knew it was premium money


2. Fused heavy cal into a core instead of core into mod


3. Also spent plat on revives 


Where did you get heavy caliber at that stage o.O

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My biggest mistake was selling some weapons that I haven't maxed yet thinking I don't want to go higher than rank 10 anyways... At least that could be fixed pretty easily.

Guess I'm lucky I never buy or sell anything as long as I'm not completely sure it does not affect me negatively or at least reversible in some form.


Actually I've played a ton without using that first 50 plat - maybe multiple months. I think I'm a tad tooooo careful.

Edited by K_Shiro
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Not knowing about fusing, tried to solo vor, thinking stalker would give me items without killing him, not knowing that mastery levels helps unlock weapons & warframes, oh and lastly thinking i can get in a vault room without a key. Yeah I'm mistake prone to things like that.    (._. )

Edited by genthis
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Spending plat on revives.


Selling my Loki for Ash, and with the chance of Loki Prime I am iffy of getting Loki. ;A;


Selling the Lato and Aklato's before they are 30, now they are too painful to level so they will never be completed. ;~;

Edited by Utarious
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didnt realize how survival worked the first few times, always wondered "why the hell am i losing hp and can't hear sh*t?!"



Proof Lotus isnt just Captain Obvious lol....or possibly that she is, but boy who cried wolf syndrome?

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1. Selling fusion cores early on because I didn't know how to actually upgrade mods until I got to Jupiter. So I thought cores were useless.


2. Ran into Harvester at Venus and he dropped a BP and a part, and I sold them because "it was clogging up my inventory and I'd be sure to run into him later when I'd have the resources to actually build it". Guess who's kicking themself in the teeth right now? In my current state, I'm missing one Detron part (the receiver), and while I don't remember what part I threw out, it may have well been the one I need now.


3. Early on in the game, while saving up for a Carrier, I couldn't find a control module. So I bought one. Now from Void runs, I have more than 1000 of the things.

Edited by xSapphire
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1. I sold a tons of Rare Cores (I didn't know what to do with them, but it costed 1000+ credits; in those days, after Closed Beta, it was hard to get some credits) and Rare Mods (such as Split Chamber, Metal Auger and etc) right before this Patch:

«-Rare Mods are now... rare. Faction drop tables were boosting probabilities past Common in some cases.»


2. I sold Cronus BPs, all of them. Right now it seems like a 0.00000001% to obtain it again, lol.

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-selling my cronus sword, now its impossible for me to get xD


-trying to solo missions and using up all my revives in like 20 minutes time then not being able to play the rest of the day.


- trying to farm tyl regor for ash parts...solo...there were more enemies in that mission than i had ever seen before lmao

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