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Arsenal Ui Additions


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Dear Warframe Devs,


I'm a big fan of the Arsenal UI. I would like to see a sort of (I'm not sure how to describe this very well) sideways-tree-menu-system added further beyond what we have now, I'll try to explain better.  Right now when you mouse over your warframe in the arsenal view, you see "Equip", "Upgrade", "Appearance", and if you are down on any "Revives". Those 3 main options, Equip, Upgrade, and Appearance, are what I mean by having the tree extended.


What if when you mouse over the menu option Upgrade you still have the option of clicking it, but it also extends to offer more options. The mod sets you have already set up A, B and C would be ideal for quick swapping. And I would very much enjoy not having to enter my mods everytime I want to change them on my guns. With the new Damage2.0 system I find myself going from Radiation to Magnetic to any combination of damge type. Having the Upgrade tree extend would be a welcome addition to streamlining that change. Hopefully no one missinterprets, I do very much enjoy the new Damage2.0 system just not the incessant need to change damage for different races.


You may use the extended tree system for Equip and Appearance as well. Appearance being the easier of the two, you just extend it much like Upgrade offering people the A, B and C options already in place. And next to Equip mousing over would offer a view of portraits of owned warframes a player could select from to equip. Or if that's not a valid option, a possible A, B and C option here might be nice of PreSet equips. For example, I'm a big fan of using a shotgun with the Rhino and Iron skin. So having those three things, in one form or another, on a PreSet A might be nice, and if I'm also leveling a random Warframe with a few other random weapons, I may have those on another PreSet B. The switching isn't so tedious now as it could be in another year or two when you wonderful Devs have released to us another handful of warframes and weapons.


Further letters of the alphabet may be offered in the market for platinum, no need to just limit the players with A, B and C.


Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings. I hope they help in making the game a more enjoyable experience for all!

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