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Stalker Not Dropping Items?


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umm..he's 100% drop..thing is..SLASH DDASH IS PART OF HIS DROP TABLE... he has a diluted table..look in codex..lol


The mod prevents the BPs from dropping? Are you sure? I mean ressources and mods can both drop at the same time, they're not affected by each other even though they have a certain drop rate as well.

Edited by (PS4)Eneokun
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The mod prevents the BPs from dropping? Are you sure? I mean ressources and mods can both drop at the same time, they're not affected by each other even though they have a certain drop rate as well.

Nah, he may drop a mod every time, but he also drops both at the same time. Just not a 100% chance of the BP. 


Also I found out the other day that there is a rare chance that you can get more than one BP. As i killed him and he dropped both the despair and the dread.

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I killed him 3 times and got: nothing, despair and dread. (also some slash dash mods, of course).

At first I thought I got nothing as the blueprint was not shown in the mission results. But you can see the orange sphere (blueprint drop) and you can see it in the foundry later on.

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He's so weak i don't see how you couldn't overkill him

Im not about to write out the list.. its not hard at all to not "kill" him. in fact ive never seen his body on the ground and i blast him with my bloody ogris.


"Normally, upon reaching 10% health, the Stalker will announce his failure to defeat the targeted player, kneel, and disappear in a puff of smoke. An excessive amount of damage that fully depletes his health before he can do this will cause him to fall over like a downed player, however this is extremly unlikely with his high armor. He may glitch, and become invulnerable and frozen after this."

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Unless you completely wipe out his HP before he kneels, he doesnt die, he just dissapears in a smoke cloud. Only if you "over-kill" him will he die and stay on the floor like a dead tenno.

oh well but that only happens once he has killed his target, too prevent the other players from killing him while he is completely vulnerable.


a little thing that i noticed is that right when he appears, he will appear on his knees (same way he leaves) in which he is 100% vulnerable and can easily be killed.


problem is, when people discover they are been stalked they start running all over the map and makes it difficult to know his spawn location not to mention that is difficult to know which of  the other 3 is been targeted to begin with. 


so when you are being stalked just try to stay in an open area and without enemies if possible and just wait without moving the camera, he should appear right in front of you so once that happens just spray  him with bullets, if your weapon is powerful enough he should die quickly enough 

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