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How About A Neutral Faction?


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   Like human colonists who do not want to start wars,but only to defend their homeland if in danger of being attacked.Of course having their own tileset, which the Tenno can visit to see them how they are and if they like what the Tenno do to maintain the balance of the Universe and ultimately to keep  them safe of anyharm.(if needed)

A peaceful and calm view for the Tenno who visit them.(mutual respect between them and us,and not  to worship the Tenno)


  Maybe, just maybe:

- the Stalker and his "lower Guardians" could spread the word among the colonist that the Tenno were rogue beings who killed the "cold and gold Emperors"(from the stalker lore) according to his beliefs of the Tenno sins.Making  the Tenno look in the eyes of the human colonists,  that they are not better than the corpus/grineer and they are all alike.


Of course it will be the Tennos duty to show that they arent some bloodthirsty beings,but peacekeepers who keep  the balance of the Universe and offer safety to those who supports and think that Tenno do what they do for theyre own good.(Just a thought, say what you think)



These colonist can have:

-their own beliefs

-their own type of government(besides what corpus/grineer have)

-their own  planet which they have colonised it, in the existing Solar System(somewhere hidden till to a point) or maybe on more planets but in a different Solar System(which I think will be added somewhere in the future,if the developers would want to do that)



Tell me what you think about this idea.Should the developers start working on this: after melee 2.0,endgame content and other top priorities for the  gameplay itself.


Would you like to see something like this in the game or no?

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im pretty sure they are planning on adding new factions that are like neutral and only want to achieve their own goals. Don't you watch the live streams? apparently doing favours for them gets you like unique rewards with them or something like that.

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You mean factionless grineer or corpus... cuz the grineer are humans who were effected by the technocyte virus and forced to leave earth... Corpus are just in the business of trading... they can be completely neutral if they wanted. Look at Darvo and Alad V. They both do what they want. :P 


And well the infested are just pour soles that were destroyed by the technocyte virus... 

And the Orokin guys are just the remnants of what Hayden set up as security. (despite their endless numbers) 

 Tenno are the (neutral) element of the game. Once you hit endgame you basically have the choice of which faction to pick on. 


Also When the proxy war is put in motion you will have multiple factions all over that will provide you with more varied faction options. (For example) A possible assassin faction that focuses on killing targets. There may even end up being a neutral faction that will ask you to rescue their pet Lama or something

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I think this is a step in the right direction.  Players should be able to take a look at the world they are building through their actions.  It's one of the themes of the game, after all, how the tenno awaken and attempt to restore balance and harmony to a critically unstable solar system.  There just needs to be more things like this in general.  Things we can explore and take in without the pretense of being a bloodbath for some kind of reward.  Lore.  Story.  Things that aren't about numbers and gain.

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