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Selling Prime Parts (All 5 Plat)

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bolter prime barrel x2

braton prime stock x3

braton prime barrel x2

burston prime bp x3

fang prime handle x2 (1 on hold)

frost prime chassis x3

frost prime helmet x2

frost prime bp x1

glave prime disk x3

glave prime bp x3

mag prime chassis x2

mag prime helmet x1 (on hold)

mag prime system x1 (on hold)

mag prime bp x1

orthos prime bp x9

paris prime grip x3

paris prime string x3

paris prime lower limb x1

sicarus prime barrel x3

sicarus prime receiver x2


pm/forum me if interested


also wtt with reaper prime handle

Edited by catt810
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I sent you a message already, but I figured I would post in here as well. Would you be willing to trade the sicarus prime receiver for the reaper prime handle?



Edit: Disregard this post, I found the receiver

Edited by BenZeb
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