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Let Us Choose Host / Lock Host


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I was playing with my clan and I was hosting, because after last weeks patch that gives me more fps than before (and not hosting gives me horrible fps now).

the game however thinks it's a good idea to do a little bit of host-migration magic before we start the match and this is the result:


- instead of a 100/100Mbit connection, the game is now hosted on a 2/0.5 Mbit connection

- my fps drops from 40 to 10

- the same guy gets kicked out of the mission while migrating host and he is not able to join afterwards (same thing happens a few times then we decided to just let me enter the mission and then invite everyone)


please give the current host an option that he can pass the host to someone else

AND the option to lock the host, that the game doesn't do any of it's migration magic that can seriously annoy people


hope to have given some useable feedback

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 I have a problem that while my laptop can hold the game really well with other 3 people around (I ask and they say the lag is present but not noticeable), the laptop itself has no dedicated video card.

 I know the game does something to see who would be the 'best' host. Probably a hardware check, in which case I would fail the video check.

 The end result is that from time to time it chooses someone at random that can barely host that game on its own. Probably if all the players are on laptops as well, and then we all have a lag fest.

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