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Why Do People Hate Valkyr?


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So I started playing about 8 or so days ago and I've seen so much hate for this frame.

I entered a few G3 farms where they wouldn't stop complaining about me being Valkyr, while every last time they spawn I was the only one to stay alive and kill them off.

I either have to be a Rhino, Trinity, or a Nekro, including tower and ODanything runs.

So why do people just have this violent hate for this class?

Is it because people don't have an understanding of the class or because there is something I'm missing here?

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I really have no idea, I find her to be useful through the whole game, with Ripline able to ragdoll and damage harder enemies before pummelling them with her Hysteria, agreed she's a tad OP, but when she's not in Hysteria, she's squishy as all hell, regardless of what the armour says.

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The simple reason for all this Valkyr hate is that she is not a team player. Her only skill that helps her team/ debuff enemies is Warcry, and that skill is very lack luster compared to something like Roar or Sonar. Secondly, Valkyr lacks a reliable crowd control skill. Paralysis has a very limited range, and its duration and damage output is very minimal. Hysteria aka god of wrath mode has limited uses in that it can only take out one or two enemies at a time and can't do much to protect an objective like a cryopod or a rescue target. Valkyr is best suited for solo play or non farming missions like capture or exterminate.

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The simple reason for all this Valkyr hate is that she is not a team player. Her only skill that helps her team/ debuff enemies is Warcry, and that skill is very lack luster compared to something like Roar or Sonar. Secondly, Valkyr lacks a reliable crowd control skill. Paralysis has a very limited range, and its duration and damage output is very minimal. Hysteria aka god of wrath mode has limited uses in that it can only take out one or two enemies at a time and can't do much to protect an objective like a cryopod or a rescue target. Valkyr is best suited for solo play or non farming missions like capture or exterminate.


I like to use paralysis spam to keep groups stunned while allies finish them off. And Hysteria is GREAT for getting allies up in tight situations. I don't use Ripline much, though.

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You stayed alive. Congrats.


If you picked Rhino all you had to do was stomp and the G3 wouldn't be able to kill anyone.


See the problem?


Well that would require this person to have a Rhino. Most people that get to the point of building something like Valkyr probably doesn't have interest in something as bland as a Rhino.

Edited by RavenousPartyLibrarian
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Because people are bad and expect those around them to also be bad and if it isn't easy mode you shouldn't use it.



You stayed alive. Congrats.


If you picked Rhino all you had to do was stomp and the G3 wouldn't be able to kill anyone.


See the problem?


The problem I see is that easy mode is only mode in a lot of peoples minds.

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is mids.

I don't plan on using her for awhile or until that hysteria gets a rework.

Well damn all her power need a rework, well im lieing Warcry/ripline are okay

Paralyze & Hysteria need something more.

The 600 base armor is awesome.

The 150 Shields at level 30 sucks, can we improve that to 300?

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She's a difficult 'frame to work with. She requires multiple formas and some fairly exotic mods to get the most out of her. So, most don't like her since she actually requires work to get somewhere useful.


Also, she's primarily a melee character (her abilities force it on you) and if you don't like melee, you're not going to like Valkyr.


Lastly, she's difficult to play well since she's a high risk/high return build. Some don't like this, so, again, they don't like Valkyr.


She can be fun, but she doesn't offer much to a team and is high maintenance. That's pretty much all there is to it.

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Because she is a completely yelf-centered frame. She does NOTHING for the team. No Crowd Control, no (usefull) buffs.
She´s just there to pick up the goods at the end of the fight, when everybody else is dead.
Just compare her to Trinity.
Basically both have a invulerabilty, but trin gives it to the whole team, while still being able to dish out massive damage with her rifle/sidearm.
Valkyr on the other hand can only protect herself, while at the same time shes seriously lowering her damage output with hysteria (let´s face it, melee isn´t viable atm).

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Because people are bad and expect those around them to also be bad and if it isn't easy mode you shouldn't use it.




The problem I see is that easy mode is only mode in a lot of peoples minds.

It was a G3 farming group. I'm sure they loooved wasting efficiency. Want to play for difficulty, play with others looking for that.

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Even so, its crowd control isnt nearly as viable as something like Nyx's Chaos or even Nekro's terrify or Rhino's Stomp


No, but sometimes it's nice just to play different things. For me, it's NEVER been about the numbers as much as it is about doing what I want.

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Because she is a completely yelf-centered frame. She does NOTHING for the team. No Crowd Control, no (usefull) buffs.

She´s just there to pick up the goods at the end of the fight, when everybody else is dead.

Just compare her to Trinity.

Basically both have a invulerabilty, but trin gives it to the whole team, while still being able to dish out massive damage with her rifle/sidearm.

Valkyr on the other hand can only protect herself, while at the same time shes seriously lowering her damage output with hysteria (let´s face it, melee isn´t viable atm).

Have you even looked at her abilities?

Paralysis stuns. There's your CC (You can also go ahead and ragdoll heavy units with ripline)

Warcry gives melee attack speed and armor. There's your buff. It also works as CC to some degree, as it slows enemies too (Useful depends)

Hysteria has a lot of duration without lots of modding, and you can deal thousands of damage per hit with the right melee weapons, plus crits. If nothing else, you can use the invulnerability to revive the players that can't take the same amount of beating that you can.

Edited by RavenousPartyLibrarian
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She's not bad.

But then again I am not the person to say something is bad just because I don't enjoy it.


Hysteria can be helpful for picking up team and when modded right can be a pretty good ultimate.


Rip-line is fun to use especially with a penta to become bomber valkyr.


I didn't care for paralysis, it's range was too close for my taste but I could see it's purpose for knocking down enemies and War Cry is a pretty good ability for the armor and attack speed buff.

Edited by Utarious
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Think of Valkyr as advanced crowd control.  Dual Ichors + Hysteria and the crowd is controlled through annihilation.  Simple.

I think we have different understandings of crowd control. While I agree the ichor hysteria combo will thin out enemy ranks and indirectly crowd control, I define a crowd control skill as one that is capable of affecting a large amount of enemies at the same time and diverting their aggro or movement. Hysteria, and melee attacks in general, have limited crowd control due to the single target nature of their attacks.

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