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Am I Just Paranoid, Or Are De Evil Geniuses?


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They are definitely evil geniuses.  They're taking people's money with overpriced microtransactions.  They've convinced their community they care about them, when they don't.  The horror.  The horror!


(This post is only half-serious, in that while I disapprove of a lot of things they do, I'm also poking fun at my own beliefs.)

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I dunno the Corpus I think won back Neptune, and basically took over sedna. So Corpus is no where near being extinct. The momentum has shifted with the introduction of the g3.


In fact in the long term the g3 will damage the grineer far more then the harvester can. Why? Say I have the detron what reason whould I have to farm the harvester now? For the g3 say I have the brakk, I can still farm them for the rare mods to sell to other people for a little extra plat in my pockets.

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Now, all they need to do is to add a Golem 90000 for the infested that drops some super duper infested secondary weapon (aksynapse mini, anyone?)

No, it's called the synphage, goes in the secondary slot and shoots 7 electric beams that focus when you hold down zoom.

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