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Update 12.5 - 13 - What I Want To See!


Recommended Posts


New warframe

Loki Prime

Banshee Prime


Grakata Wraith

Supra Vandal

Afuris Prime

Hek Wraith

Soma Prime

Cestra Vandal

Galantine Prime

Mire Wraith

Some new weapons


Buff Frost avalanche

Buff Oberon reckoning

Buff Banshee

Buff Zephyr

Buff Braton Prime

Buff Cernos

Buff Akbronco (Prime)

Buff Magnus

Buff Dual Ether


New events

New mods

Melee 2.0

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I want to see Loki Prime and Nyx Prime (female Excalibur Prime, maybe even give it to PS4 players exclusively in place of Excalibur Prime, could also include a buff to Nyx).


Banshee Prime would look good though.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I want to see the freaking Void crashes, disconnects and terrible performance issues fixed. At this point all else is window dressing. Please, for the sake of your own game, fix the problems this game already has that have not been fixed with three updates. You will continue to lose players faster than you can tempt them or bring them back if you keep adding new things and not fixing the basics.


For a whole bunch of people on PS4, the last update seems to have actually made things worse. I can only imagine the amount of crash reports Sony has been sent from this game.

Edited by (PS4)MatangoMushrooms
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would really like to see the game return to U6-U7 performance levels (even Pre-U12 would be acceptable), as I remember those days when I had absolutely no lag or framerate drop. I know we've got a lot more going on now than we did back then, but I miss the days of a smooth performance from this game.


Side note: I think they should do the primes in the same order they did the frames. bit late for that, but some of the earlier frames could use a leg up/revamp.

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