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Wraith Weapons Hanging Enemies In The Air?


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I've noticed lately that both my Gorgon Wraith and my Wraith Twin Vipers sometimes leave enemies hanging in the air, like they had been pinned to a wall by an arrow or bolt, only no arrow, bolts, or walls are actually involved.


This has happened in at least three different levels, with two different Wraith weapons, using two different frames. This has not happened, however, with my melee weapons or non-wraith weapons I have used.



[Edit] Forgot to mention: It isn't my Djinn doing it, as I swapped it and its weapon out for others, yet the issue remained. It doesn't seem to happen to the Infested either. I have yet to play a Grineer mission, so I can't tell if it does this to them or not.





Edited by RyojinOrion
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Forgot to mention: It isn't my Djinn doing it, as I swapped it and its weapon out for others, yet the issue remained. It doesn't seem to happen to the Infested either. I have yet to play a Grineer mission, so I can't tell if it does this to them or not.

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