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Fun's Over De, Remove Broken Lights Already.


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I would accept it if lights could be busted by shooting them (being a less effective version of Volt's Ultimate, which causes ALL lights to break in the area), and then they create an arc of lightning before they stop working, but being harmless otherwise (being more like barrels/void canisters)


they are re-implemented as a short-range danger zone that zaps anything getting too close for minor damage as long as they remain in the area... you can blow them up, if you want, but you're not required to as you actually could avoid or roll/dash past them with only minor damage received (5-10 damage per tick, hitting 2-3 times per second with a constant lightning arc connecting the target with the fixture.

Edited by ScorpDK
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I second the notion that broken lights should be removed.  I just think the idea of a *busted light* managing to electrocute you from far away is a bit goofy, and isn't currently implemented in a way that feels fun or fair.  They're hard to catch onto, and don't particularly add a lot to the flow of the game, because now I have to watch specifically for... broken lights... and shoot them so they don't shock me from ten yards away.


It's incredibly un-ninjatastic to be worried about busted lights.  Lots of busted lights should be a ninja's wet dream IMO.

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I don't think the broken lights are in a bad place now personally.


No more blinding flash... More telltale arcing lets you know they are there.

I haven't gotten caught by one I could see or avoid since they made the changes.

The ones that have caught me just made me slow up long enough to get my shields back.


They do need a bit more tweaking... But, that's it.


They need to be removed from the insertion and extraction rooms because having them there is rather cheap.

They need to do more damage, proc types of status so that they become a viable threat.

Electrical proc which jumps to nearby room occupants (teammate or enemy) for 50% of initial damage.

Reduce shield regen for a set period.

Flash blindness, (without the gfx) which could lowers accuracy with all weapons and skills for a short time.

It needs something to make it respected.

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Wanted to rank my banshee up yesterday and lost 3 lifes on the same mission. How many enemies it took ? 0

Started the round and got hit, dead.

Turn corner and get hit by the next light 5m above the FOV, dead.

get close to exit with shield down. Im sorry what, you have to focus on the 500 Napalms following you ? to bad, zap dead.


Doing Grinner missions on Solo is just a free ticket into nopeistan.

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Just...make them deal 50 damage. This way, it won't trouble anyone.


No, they should be threatening.  But they shouldn't trigger through walls, and their trigger distance should be reasonable.


Honestly, their electrical arcs should extend to where they will hit.  That way you can avoid them or know you'll be hit by them.


Dark Souls traps were reasonable because you almost always had a clue it would be there.  Ground markings indicating the path of a boulder, charred marks on the ground, blood stains, and so on.

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Do you forgot flash? This thing can hurt your eyes IRL.

I'm not bothered by that blinding effect at all for some reason. Maybe because my eyes are already 'broken'. 


No, they should be threatening.  But they shouldn't trigger through walls, and their trigger distance should be reasonable.


Honestly, their electrical arcs should extend to where they will hit.  That way you can avoid them or know you'll be hit by them.


Dark Souls traps were reasonable because you almost always had a clue it would be there.  Ground markings indicating the path of a boulder, charred marks on the ground, blo

od stains, and so on.

 In Dark Souls, traps couldn't hurt you instantly, and usually, you had time to react. The current Broken Broken Lights give you no chance to evade their fatal blow. It's terrible. Also, they tend to spawn in certain places where we won't even see them.

Besides, i think that Electricity/Lightning-ish thing (herb kant into physics) itself is rather fast. How can you possibly dodge it?

Edited by Harbinger777
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As was posted earlier in the thread:



Feel free to explain how they can be avoided when they can be triggered before the intro cutscene.


Hell, atleast I'll be honest about it and say that my inner sadist finds it hilarious when guys spawn into the mission dead. :-P


The lights still need to be removed though.

i luv (read: hate) how ppl continue to strawman argue about these things



they just need to be tweaked, geebus ppl

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The main problem I have with it is how dumb the whole thing is.  It's not some sort of enemy deterrent or some elaborate booby trap... instead it is a broken light -_- really?  Make it a sparkly tesla coil or something that people can actually see like all of the other traps at the very least.

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) Will do DOT vs (instead of) big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

I still don't like them. At least explosive barrels don't automatically shoot at me. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

These sound like much needed and healthy improvements. I'd still like to see them made in to fire traps(To add to the grineer's interest in heat based damage), or at least be given a better name/visual so they aren't so disappointing, but they'll at least now add to the experience and challenge of missions instead of the tedium and annoyance.

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

I still think the community agrees more on removing them rather than tweaking it, but DE's in charge here, thanks for the update :)

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

You still need to have the damage lowered so they don't completely destroy your shields/ignore them and get rid of the terrible proc chance. (Hint hint to also sorting out the bleeding proc damages & bypassing shields...)


If you aren't going to do this then they need to be removed. I don't know how much the devs play the game but it's obvious the ones who play it the most know when there's a problem with these things and evidently there is a problem. 

Edited by Naith
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I don't understand their purpose and how they work, they're just random damage dealt to you while playing grineer maps from hard to spot things you'd assume are part of the enviroment, and if they just discharge into you because they're broken, why don't they do that with the mostly metal grineer? It doesn't make sense, are they intentional traps made by the grineer or the result of poor maintenence?

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.



Also perhaps make Volt immune and/or charged up by them.  Would be nice if he could chain attack off of them too.

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.


Personally I think that is going to be the biggest improvement.  The way they work now is like a sniper attack, sudden, unseen, and very powerful.  Just making it more like an arc that fries you over the course of seconds so that you can actually react and take less damage via your quick reaction is a huge help.

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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.

Great changes. Tho I actually didn't mind them so much. I rarely stay in one place. 


But again I do think we should be able to destroy them. Now they will drop goodies? Great all around.

Edited by RawGritz
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Just an update, Dev's next iteration of this mechanic will include:


1) Only placing the 'traps' at eye or floor level.

2) FX that indicate they are clearly active.

3) DOT vs big pulse/surge of damage.

4) Can be exploded from a distance to damage nearby enemies (like Explosive Barrels).

5) Will have a chance to drop a resource.


We can definitely see the hate still for these by some, so more attempts to tweak are being made.


Heeey, that's not bad.  I hope it's very obvious where they'll trigger.


I'm glad they're being improved rather than just scrapped.  I like the idea at the core.

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