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Ember Build Help/opinions Needed



So I wanted to make Ember based off WoF and I absolutelly love her but I am still pretty new to the game so Im looking to get some feedback on how I could better optimize this build




Any tips/tricks are welcome but just so everyone knows my priority with her has been power duration over anything else, I have WoF up to around 19 seconds per cast right now.

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2 answers to this question

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Looks like you want to Glass Cannon. I can work with that. From your build, I would:


Bump up Narrow Minded 3 ranks. Increased duration for a loss in range. Range is now +3%, which is good enough, and duration is +121% which is better. You may wish for a longer range against Grineer as you are quite squishy without Redirection, actually.


Bump up Blind Rage 2 ranks. This brings Efficiency back to 100%. At -10% like you had, you still have to pick up the same number of orbs to restore your energy.


Flow isn't really needed, you have plenty of energy and plenty of time to get more after activating WoF. Instead slot Natural Talent (faster casts) or Enemy Sense (so you know when to use it, preemptively).


Forma the aura to -, and use Corrosive Projection for Grineer and Void, and Energy Siphon or Enemy Radar (if you took Nat Talent) for Corpus and Infested.


Personally I would build like this for Grineer and Void: http://goo.gl/MmyRd3

And would build like this for Corpus and Infested: http://goo.gl/dQqDE2



Now I actually dont like to Glass Cannon that much. I prefer using Redirection instead of Narrow Minded, for Shorter WoF's but larger, and more shields.


I use http://goo.gl/vW3kYw , swapping the Aura for CP against Grineer and Corrupted.

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