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My Mk-1 Is Different


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I don't mean to sound rude or anything but why would use the MK1-Braton? Is there something I'm missing here? I like the Bratons too but MK1 isn't that great. The Braton is a straight upgrade from the MK1-Braton (higher fire rate and higher damage although it does have a little more recoil and less ammo per clip.)


MK-1 Braton can be a solid weapon if the person using it knows what he/she is doing with it. it is not a 'spray and hope to hit something with 100 bullets weapon' or a 'fire at an area weapon'. The highest ranker I saw in the Fusion MOA event used a MK-1 Braton. When asked why, he said he liked it because he hit what he aimed at.


It's not as flashy as some, its not a 1 hit kill like others, it doesn't AOE like others, but it CAN get the job done. I still have mine and still use it occasionally. Forma'ed twice.

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MK-1 Braton can be a solid weapon if the person using it knows what he/she is doing with it. it is not a 'spray and hope to hit something with 100 bullets weapon' or a 'fire at an area weapon'. The highest ranker I saw in the Fusion MOA event used a MK-1 Braton. When asked why, he said he liked it because he hit what he aimed at.


It's not as flashy as some, its not a 1 hit kill like others, it doesn't AOE like others, but it CAN get the job done. I still have mine and still use it occasionally. Forma'ed twice.

Kahruvel was using a standard Braton, not the Mk1 IIRC

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I came to this point without noticing that I was missing the damn Catalyst. -______-
Edit: Gif this thread up!


This is what I've always wanted to do, but never got around. Too damn lazy to grind a single weapon 8 times over.

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I don't mean to sound rude or anything but why would use the MK1-Braton? Is there something I'm missing here? I like the Bratons too but MK1 isn't that great. The Braton is a straight upgrade from the MK1-Braton (higher fire rate and higher damage although it does have a little more recoil and less ammo per clip.)


I'm probably wrong but MK-1 was a better version of the Braton before damage 2.0. I still consider it to be better with more accuracy and more slash also I like the name better, I just do you know. 


Why I choose to do such a thing: There is nothing you are missing, I just wanted to go for it. 

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