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Captain Vor In Mercury


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I think he only drops it the first time.



He has a 100% drop chance the first time, and it get smaller every time.


Vor is currently bugged and drops nothing on death.


I created another account to check it and not dropped


if you remember the same thing happened with jackal, no drops, but this is already fix.


Actually the problem with Jackal was with his drop placement. His drop usually went under the boss room's floor so you could never see or take it unless there's a Vauban's Vortex active nearby.

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"The Wiki is fan run and not always entirely accurate. The 100% chance with deteriorating chances at the Cronus was the Old Vor, before we updated his fight. His new primary drop is the Seer pistol, moving the Cronus a little down on the rarity scale so it might be a little harder to get. However it should be entirely possible. Good luck finding your sword!

Hope you are enjoying the new Update," DE James


"All drops are set to be random within their rarity tier. This is, unfortunately, the nature of random drops. Sometimes you are lucky, other times... not so much.
We recommend you keep an eye on events/alerts to as many items make it into our special events or alerts.

Thank you for the inquiry- see you in the game!"DE Seline

"We have looked into it, and discussed with the dev team and as stated in your previous tickets the new primary drop is the Seer pistol, which moved the Cronus down on the rarity scale so it is definietely a lot more difficult to receive, especially as it is still part of RNG. However it is absolutely possible.

Good luck, and thank you for your understanding!" DE Seline

This is what DE has to say about the Cronus and I think it's entirely false. Hundreds. Not dozens but hundreds of runs trying to get the Cronus and not a SINGLE drop (mods, ammo, cronus) from him. Just the Seer parts afterwards. I believe they've broken him and refuse to fix it. Great job DE. Well done.

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The evidence of Vor being bugged is not just about the Cronos Blueprint.

He doesn't drop resource or mod upon kill. The Seer parts are mission extraction rewards, but if he dropped a pastel-pink sphere in the past, you knew it was Cronos Blueprint, which has overridden getting a drop from the blueprints.

While I want to believe that DE support staff is not lying, they might have broken the reward tables by adding the Cronos to them, thus not only making the Cronos not appear, but also removing mod drops and resource drops. Vor is the only Boss not dropping anything in the game as of now. Well "now." I think it is ever since U12.0


As a closing note, I take the liberty to announce that the change for the Cronos Blueprint was complete idiocy. Before, new players could see the light at the end of the tunnel by seeing a new Melee weapon to work for. This was good, as there was (is) no melee weapon available for credits.

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