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Best Warframe?



im Curious what people say is the best warframe, im building Oberon right now and im curious if i made a good choice


im an offensive player who likes defense as well as being able to clear a room with a badass power

Edited by Mr.NinjaBlocks
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There is no "best warframe."

Honestly, it's who you prefer playing as and who fits your play-style.

what the gentleman said.


the old "what is the best frame?" question is the most useless question you can ask, because there is not a best one, as the game is action based you actually need to feel comfortable in order to play the game well and for that the frame you choose needs to be responsive to your playstyle.


In my case, i own Excalibur, Oberon, Ash, Saryn, Frost Prime and Loki. and even though Oberon is considered a "bad" warframe is the one that has allowed me to get further both solo and co-op, Ash is a lot of fun too but i feel less confident when i play him, and i don't have any particular preference between the other 4.


So... amongst my frames Oberon is the best, but i am sure that the community would not agree that he is the best of ALL frames and i doubt it myself.

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No real best frame in the game, some are better at certain things though. Personally I like my rhino and loki a lot, mostly because the first two frames I ever used. Now my favorite frame is Vauban since i have alot of fun with his powers. He really is a pain to farm though since the parts are alert only.

Edited by gamefreak9149
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My personal opinions: Valkyr, is perfect for sheer offense. Able to regain health upon using your Hysteria. Capable of zooming through levels with her first ability when it involves distances. And her Warcry is pretty good to add additional damage to your and your team. I don't find her paralysis too useful but it does what it says (Kind of), stunning surrounding enemies, very useful during Hysteria

Oberon is basically like Trinity's brother, given ability to heal himself and the team, or wipe out masses of enemies and given a possibility of health orbs upon their successful deaths. So a little more offensive compared to Trinity.

Trinity, your sole healer/support type warframe, sometimes very good as a tank too! Being that she has three incredibly useful abilities that will save your life. Energy Vampire is great once fully ranked, able to gain more energy that was used to use it. Link, again, great once upgraded and become a tank as it can reduce incoming damage up to 75% and transfer any possible effects applied such as staggering attacks or procs onto linked enemies. And Blessing is your wildcard that heals both shields and health, including your sentinel, added that it gives you a limited Invulnerability! Her first ability is okay but not quite worth using, especially when you can use Blessing and if paired a aura mod with health regeneration.

Rhino is the tank of Warframe, useful in defensive and offensive but proves to be the cooperative savior in dire situations when it comes to his Rhino Stomp and/or Iron Skin. His Stomp being his ultimate as it affect every enemy in range, damaging and stuns them for a limited time. As for his Iron Skin, makes things a lot easier, preventing any damage for the amount it has, simply like adding health but over your shields instead of under it. His Roar is pretty neat too, gives you and your allies a damage boost temporarily.

Nova is another great but sometimes not everyone's favorite. She is quick, rather durable if modded right, and comes with one very particularly strong ability. Her first ability, Nullstar is good for defensive measures, often used when you have max energy and nothing quite to spend on. Worm is much like Valkyr's Ripline but instantly teleports you to the end where you set it up. I haven't used her Antimatter so don't ask me there. Lastly, her Molecular Prime is the bane of some players but sometimes a utter savior in dire situations. Only because M.P. inflicts any surrounding enemy, lights them up as indication that they are under 50% slow and affected by the 200% extra incoming damage, upon death, they explode and any surrounding enemies also inflicted will likely follow the same fate until there is no more of them.

Overall, some of these are determined by how you play and these are my personal favorite Warframes I am keeping in my Arsenal so whenever the need to finish a hard game that requires specific Warframes, then these are my best teams to be paired up with. And in fact that even if you think these Warframes are the 'best', be surprised when you run into someone with Excalibur and just own everything... Simply put, no real best Warframe but these are what you may likely see a lot.

Edited by (PS4)LUCKY_JOEL
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There is no best frame but as far as playstyles go...


Best stealth Loki (Ash is a wannabe)

Best Defense mission frames Frost Vauban and Nyx

Best Survival mission frames Nova, Rhino, Trinity,

Pretty much any other mission goes well with the others plus the above mentioned


The only frames I hate are Oberon and Banshee. Useless frames and easily killed in my opinion. I mean, why use them when you have Trinity and Loki?

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