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Grineer Seeker Pistols Crazy Damage


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I'd like to share with you all my adventure in Ceres on a mission to "rescue" a hostage. it was an alert mission for a Vauban helmet and enemies were level 35-38, grineer.

I was leveling weapons, and took a maxed oberon with 620 shields. i was playing quasi stealth since i was alone, but soon into the mission I alerted some enemies. I wasn't too worried until a seeker started shooting at me with his 2-shot burst pistol. I lost my shields in under 3 seconds, literally 2-3 bursts later they were completely gone. I hid, but as the fight continued I was eventually killed by the pistol.

I was admittedly rather shocked since i had no idea seekers were so dangerous. The explosive latchers were nothing compared to the lethality of those pistols.

I revived and continued, being extra careful to be stealthy but upon reaching the prison i had little choice but to fire fight all the enemies (there were a lot of enemies O_O). I would die another 2 times to seeker pistols and both of them were due to a slash proc from said pistol. It was like fighting pre-nerf eviscerators, but somehow more deadly.

Eventually i killed the alarms and everyone inside and freed the hostage. More stealth until i reached a fairly large tile with a lot of enemies, and the hostage was killed collaterally from a scorch.

But the mission did not end. I saw his body and I could not revive it, but Mission Failed failed to appear. Seizing my opportunity i rushed to extraction and the mission was complete! "the hostage has been rescued. -Lotus" ????? (reported to bugs)

The moral of the story and the TLDR is Are Seeker pistols supposed to be that powerful???

(on another note radiation proc was very useful)

(also I already had a Vauban helmet so i wasn't that desperate)

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They give squishy frames trouble even at lower levels (15-25). They're more dangerous than Eviscerators in a way because their Krakens are hitscan. 


What frame were you? If you have any form of CC, use it ASAP when you see a Seeker. Or find some cover (if you can). They are going to give you hell otherwise.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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1. They are burst pistols, yes they are meant to be powerful

- Can't blame you for being surprised, since the game is weird like that.

2. You shouldn't be letting the Seeker shoot you for 3 seconds straight to begin with.

- Can't blame you for that either since the game practically promotes Forma + Shield/Health inflation over actual tactics.

A simple breakdown.

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Yes, the Kraken is one of the best weapons in the game, it deals a boatload of damage.


Any suggestions on how to build it? I tried it once and honestly I found it to be a really dull, subpar weapon (and this is coming from someone who loves the Sicarus).


As for OP, yes, Seekers are hella' tough, not sure why, I guess the Kraken's damage just scales that well. I can tell you from personal experience that they're the bane of your existence during nightmare mode.



P.S. They're also better snipers than Ballistas. Maybe seekers are packing multishot?

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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