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Torid, Ogris Or Penta?



24 answers to this question

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Your choice between a Rocket luncher or a granade luncher.

Torid got nerfed so hard that it is useless and de won't do nothing about it


What are you talking about? The gun is fantastic. Torid 4 lyfe.



On high level missions I use Penta a lot as it's useful for clearing out large amounts of enemies. Penta can kill you though as with any explosive weapons. Torid won't kill you when firing, it's poison I find is great on bosses but once again my personal preference and perhaps bias... Torid is my favorite weapon.

Edited by Sutherland
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Penta is a little more flexible in how you use it - you can fire several grenades, lay traps, and detonate only when ready. Ogris' brute force is a charm in of itself, but if you only have one potato I feel Penta will be the most fun.

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Ogris and Penta carry harder, sooner, and longer than Torid in my experience. As for which of the two, it depends.


If you play a lot of Defense missions, Ogris may be better due to its larger/stronger individual blasts, longer effective range, and faster reload. However, it cannot headshot and is difficult to use in any other mission due to the necessity to move a lot.


The Penta on the other hand is much more versatile and can be used in any mission and can headshot, coupled with the ability to have multiple grenades out simultaneously, it's possible to do much more burst damage with it despite smaller blast radius and generally lower base damage. But keep in mind its effective range is much shorter and is much more skill based since it lobs and has a much longer reload.


Also, Penta is viable with Heavy Caliber (when handled properly) so it has a huge base damage advantage over Ogris there.

Ogris + Heavy Caliber is straight up suicide.

Edited by -CM-Jaypalm
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Hi guys I am thinking on build a explosive weapon. which one would you guys recommend? I am willing to put a catalyst but no forma. so what do you guys think? Torid, Ogris or the penta?



without forma? none

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The Penta is pretty decent even without Forma. Never tried Ogris or Torid so I can't give feedback on those.

But the question is, have you tried any of those three yet? Find out which works best for you and then decide from there.


But in all honesty, if you can manage the Penta's grenades I say go for it.

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I love my Penta enough that I spent 6 forma on it and still haven't bothered to craft the Ogris I've had sitting in my foundry for over a month. Just accept that whichever one you build you WILL blow yourself up with it. Often. :)

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I love my Penta enough that I spent 6 forma on it and still haven't bothered to craft the Ogris I've had sitting in my foundry for over a month. Just accept that whichever one you build you WILL blow yourself up with it. Often. :)


Hi-five, dude! 6 forma'd Penta too! Love it to hell, my favorite weapon in the game.

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To th OP,


Well I think both Penta and Ogris need to be forma'd to be worthwhile as you move to endgame/high level content.  I watched players use both and decided to go with the Ogris first as I feel I have less chance to blow myself up with it and I prefer a rocket launcher over a grenade launcher.  I use a rank 9 Shred on it and it shoots through the first enemy or two plus the small doors in the Grineer ships to kill enemy on the other side.    Someone mentioned you can't get a headshot with it but I thought I got one last week with it when I had one of those small mini task things you get.  It was for headshot and I thought I was getting them.  Hard to remember as the host quit and I lost almost everything on the migration.


When forma'd, I have read others saying they get up to 70k in damage. I still don't understand how all the numbers work but I am killing everything on the planets with the Ogris and it is not forma yet.  I just mod for fraction.  I'll start forma on it once I get Trinity forma'd.  I'll likely build Penta after that and use only with Trinity.


For use on missions other than defense, the trick is let your teammates get ahead of you, which is no problem in most pub missions.  hehe Then I launch the rocket and get the kills as they are arriving at the enemy. :-)   I bring a good secondary like the Kunai or Akvasto in case I am in a very crowded area and can't use the Ogris because the distance is too short or too high of a chance of a teammate running in front of me.


You have to watch yourself with the Ogris in laggy games.  For whatever reason Appollorous on Mercury was laggy as heck this weekend and I would fire at an enemy, see the rocket fire about 5 secs later and die because at some point a teammate got in front of my rocket but I didn't see them when firing.  With Shred, it passed through a few enemy and they do die but the rocket gets far enough to not kill me.  :-)

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A Penta with HCal vs a Ogris without does about the same explosion damage.


However Ogris's damage a) falls off at distance b) is difficult to get headshots.


Penta can easily headshot by exploding the grenade above enemies, and will fire about 60% percent faster.



Sooo yeah Penta is somewhere around 3x more DPS than Ogris.


Ogris out damages a Penta with a Maxed Heavy Caliber, Split Chamber and Serration.

Throw on a Trinity and Spam Blessings before attempting this...

Even if Ogris with HCal was viable (only for Trinity lol), it would still deal only ~53% more damage, and given that Penta easily headshots, the Penta actually deals ~31.5% more damage than the Ogris.

Edited by Darzk
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Penta definitely is not 3x more than Ogris in dps. It can headshot, yes, but that's really all. Otherwise, the Penta falls short of the ogris damage before maxed caliber comes into effect - then Penta per shot pulls ahead a little.

Normal Ogris still has a wider aoe range and quicker time to kill (projectile speed, firing rate) than the penta. Its falloff probably starts a little after the size of a penta explosion.  When you add firestorm to Ogris, it effectively increases damage by widening the 'ground zero' area as well as the falloff zone.

Still, really it comes down to gameplay preference. I prefer the Ogris, some prefer the Penta, but neither is amazingly better than the other.





If you want a good chart to look at that sums up damage of all non-melee weapons the most accurately, take a look at this DPS thread by MindlessWar.


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Penta definitely is not 3x more than Ogris in dps. It can headshot, yes, but that's really all. Otherwise, the Penta falls short of the ogris damage before maxed caliber comes into effect - then Penta per shot pulls ahead a little.

Normal Ogris still has a wider aoe range and quicker time to kill (projectile speed, firing rate) than the penta. Its falloff probably starts a little after the size of a penta explosion.  When you add firestorm to Ogris, it effectively increases damage by widening the 'ground zero' area as well as the falloff zone.

Still, really it comes down to gameplay preference. I prefer the Ogris, some prefer the Penta, but neither is amazingly better than the other.





If you want a good chart to look at that sums up damage of all non-melee weapons the most accurately, take a look at this DPS thread by MindlessWar.



And from the thread you linked, if we adjust to both using Shred, Ogris w/o HCal;


Ogris=7705 DPS

Penta = 10178 DPS x2 from Headshots = 20356 DPs


Which is Penta doing 2.65x more DPS than Ogris.



Ogris has a longer reach and larger explosion radius, that's all. Firestorm doesn't increase the max damage done, just reduces the falloff from distance-from-the-epicenter.


Besides, higher damage/hit is completely wasted when its overkill. Anything that the Penta can kill in one hit the Penta will kill faster. And my Penta's doing 60k damage to Ancients in ODD.



I would still take an Ogris on defenses with large open tilesets, like Void or ODD so I can hang back and snipe, but the Penta's just as viable and far more usable in CQ/without Trinity.

Edited by Darzk
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Shred's a bad idea for Ogris unless they fixed the disappearing rockets issue.  Not entirely sure how you arrived at those numbers either.

Headshots do pull the damage ahead for Penta, but its the only real case.  Firestorm only indirectly increases the damage done in AOE situations.


It all depends - in many situations you might be able to outkill a Penta with Ogris just out of being able to blast your targets sooner (longer range) as well as hit more of them.  Sometimes...you might not, or you might take longer taking a shot in CQ to make sure you're safe.  (Imo thats when the real fun with Ogris starts...getting those trick shots in)


But again..comes down to convenience.

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Ogris and Penta carry harder, sooner, and longer than Torid in my experience. As for which of the two, it depends.


If you play a lot of Defense missions, Ogris may be better due to its larger/stronger individual blasts, longer effective range, and faster reload. However, it cannot headshot and is difficult to use in any other mission due to the necessity to move a lot.


The Penta on the other hand is much more versatile and can be used in any mission and can headshot, coupled with the ability to have multiple grenades out simultaneously, it's possible to do much more burst damage with it despite smaller blast radius and generally lower base damage. But keep in mind its effective range is much shorter and is much more skill based since it lobs and has a much longer reload.


Also, Penta is viable with Heavy Caliber (when handled properly) so it has a huge base damage advantage over Ogris there.

Ogris + Heavy Caliber is straight up suicide.

penta is obviously better with hs

Edited by xkillo32
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